*Sigh* after reading through these threads
I've come to wonder what happened to people watching a film just to watch it? When I was growing up I would watch a movie and find it entertaining or not entertaining that was it. As I got older I found myself surrounded by these "Mature" peers that constantly stated "It's trying to relay this message or that message" which causes more arguements than politics and that's ridiculous.
Seriously though why is it that every movie ever discussed on IMDB JUST HAS TO HAVE SOME UNDERLINED HIDDEN MEANING? I'm sorry everyone but some movies are just that: films made for entertainment. Truth be told I believe a lot of people look way too deep into these things and try to pull something out of their own mind to force a "message" into the movie.
Sorry about ranting. I mean a lot of bad stuff happens in this movie but that is what horror movies do. How you interpret a movie does not mean that is what the movie is about. What's really getting under my skin is when you have a movie about Aliens in space and people say things such as "It's about abortion/rape" things of that ilk. Mind you I hope I never see something as blatantly inane as that.
Also I'm pretty aware I'm opening myself for a lot of hate here. As far as the movie is concerned, it in itself was meh. It did not compell me to think too much outside of "Well that sucked"(for everyone involved not the movie itself), in addition to "That's nasty." and a slighty bit of "can you really be that stupid?"(Which happens in a good 99% of horror movies anyway lol)