How many men are really like this?
Foul Bachelor Frog's Opinion on Women:
What are your thoughts?
Foul Bachelor Frog's Opinion on Women:
What are your thoughts?
If you seriously believe what you see in the movies, i pity you.
shareWell, assuming I am an intelligent moviegoer (unlike most), I think that it is perfectly reasonable to test the validity of thematic movie claims. Or do you think literally every movie is a context-less void with no comment on or connection to the outside world? And, therefore, should never be intelligently discussed? (Achem: Romero.)
So, assuming we were supposed to have legitimate conversations about this film and its themes, what is the director trying to say about men and their evolution (even if he is making his point in a hyperbolic context)? Is the director just way off the money? Why or why not? Come on, guys. When I used to use IMDB, real conversations happened. Is that time past?
Necrophilia is a mental\emotional condition so I truly doubt the average man would have sex with a corpse regardless.
Here we have two protagonists, one lighter than the other (as in inner darkness).
Rickie, without JT, would more than likely have told the cops about the girl. JT, being almost feral about the situation, saw only a nude woman, tied down, and nothing to stop him from taking full advantage of "it".
Rickie, being weak though not feral, kept the secret but honestly tried to help the girl even after he learned she was undead.
That she was not exactly dead turns this study away from debating Necrophilia and more along the path towards raping a drugged person.
Would the average man take advantage of an attractive woman who was so drunk or out of it that she could not offer any resistance? A man because he is a man, no. A man who has been raised to view women as objects of male gratification, yes. So again it is about the inner light\inner darkness. "Which wolf you feed" results in the person you become.
JT, Wheeler, John, and Dwyer were deeply messed up teenagers. Rickie while ultimately messed up was not cut from the same cloth. Yet when faced with being able to keep the girl of his dreams in such a half life state, he could not resist. What does that say about him? Is he JT just not as sadistic?
The OP is obviously just some pseudo-intellectual type who wanted to "troll", and was craving troll-like responses.
Your post was pretty much spot-on, and deflated his ridiculous question/topic. Maybe if he'd rephrased his question/topic I could have taken him a bit more seriously.
Something like - 'How many sociopathic men are really like this?'
Anyways, nice response to a silly, vague question.
Look at what men do to each other in prison. These guys are much nicer than that.
shareYou can't expect realism from a horror movie. Of course, if she was a naked LIVING girl as opposed to a zombie even the most disturbed teenagers would have just called the cops. But she's an undead zombie, so real life kind of goes out the window.
Also, despite being played by mature-looking, pretty-boy actors the characters are supposed to be disturbed outcasts. You have to suspend disbelief sometimes. I have less trouble, frankly, believing disturbed adolescents might do something like this than I do buying these two actors as disturbed adolescents. Guys like that in real-life would hardly need a zombie sex slave since they'd no doubt be balls-deep in the choicest emo/goth p***y around, and failing that, they're both so pretty, they could always just *bleep* each other.
"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"
Yeah- Initially when the characters were introduced, Rickie and JT, I thought they were supposed to be 'the cool kids'. I know back in my high school those guys would have gotten tons of pussy.
But after accepting that they're supposed to be disaffected youth, picked on by jocks and all that, I thought the characters were great. In fact, I thought JT was a great character, and honestly asides from the truly unrealistic premise, I can see this kind of conflict breaking out among this type of teenager. My friends in high school weren't so far off, in a sense. I remember a few of us once got an idea to buy a 'Real Doll' offline and whore it out to some of the nerdier kids in school lol, which I suppose is quite different, but our morals at that age weren't all there. And to be fair, it's really JT who seems to be the most disturbed. From the start, Rickie is repulsed and against the idea. I think his dilemma was that he let the chaos go on too long and kind of got swept up in it to the point that he'd be held legally responsible as well, and not to mention, he'd have to send his two best friends to jail.
Now don't get me wrong, if I found my two best friends raping a girl, zombie, dead, or not, I would not let that continue. But I can see how someone with a slightly lower sense of morality and less life experience might get sucked into this dilemma.
And to answer the original question, 'How many men are really like this?', unfortunately quite a few. I mean, just look at the news nowadays, with that kid who raped that passed out drunk girl. What's even worse is that the creep only got something like 3 months, and he's appealing that!
Also, think of all the cases where women are imprisoned and raped for years, like that guy from Cleveland Ariel Castro. Or the pervert who kidnapped Jaycee Dugard! There's (sadly) a ton of psychopathic perverts out there, just read the news! I heard some statistic the other day that claimed that 1 out of 4 females in america have experienced some form of sexual abuse at some point in there life. That's a terrible statistic!
Anyway, I liked this movie because I thought it brought upon a creative (and darkly comic) way of talking about these issues, not only the objectification of women in real life, but also in film too.
I thought one of the best pieces of dialogue in the movie was when Wheeler makes some comment about something in the room starting to 'stink', to which JT replies something along the lines of 'Yeah, they're her wounds, but hey they're warm and moist. You can have that one but I got dibs on this' as he pushes his finger into a pussy bullet wound. It's sick humor, but unlike a lot of films this one has substance, and it doesn't rely on a bunch of stupid gore to come across as shocking.
On a side note, if you like this movie and want to watch something similar, 'Excision' would be a good choice. It's very much in the same vein of humor.