MovieChat Forums > Horsemen (2009) Discussion > Please explain the entire movie to me.

Please explain the entire movie to me.

I don't get it. Explain to me like I'm a child, please.

Nothing is more reliable than a man whose loyalties can be bought with hard cash.


What do you not understand exactly?


Everything, particularly about the horsemen. I especially do not get it why the victims switch around. Why do some who got hooked are victims, then other times they're the horsemen? You could explain the movie to me like I haven't seen it. A synopsis would be good. Thanks!

Nothing is more reliable than a man whose loyalties can be bought with hard cash.


i just came back from the movie

don't quite understand the last part

did the son, Alex die?

he said to the younger son, Sean that he need not worry about Alex, does it mean Alex survived?

how can everything be alright when Alex killed people?


Dead or crackpot, Alex is out of the picture, one way or another. Therefore Sean
need not worry about Alex


The Horsemen is about neglected children, and the harm parents cause them.

The first victim was Kristens Mom. Kristens mom neglected Kristen(horseman) once she had her "real" children born. So she was put into a rig, and videotaped for the first step in the "apocolypse" of the Nothing.

The second victim was a second grade teacher. He was put into a rig and videotaped as the second step in the "apocolypse". He supposedly fondled one the horsemen;s kids. The woman found in the closet was the Horsemen;s ex wife.

The third murder has no rig whatsoever. This murder was done BY THE HORSEMEN, and the person killed was the Third horsemen himself. The Horsemen discovered that the second grade teacher never touched the kids, the third horseman was just jealous ovver his ex wife banging the teacher, so he lied and got an innocent man killed! SO the horseman dispatched him quickly.

The third victim was Cory, a kid who was terribly ridiculed by his family for being a homosexual. Particually his brother! So Cory used the third rig to force his brother in watching cory(horseman) kill himself, literally cutting out his own heart. This was also videotaped as the third step in the "apocolypse".

Follow so far? So you have a total of 4 rigs, and 4 horsemen. SO far, Kristen was one horsemen, who went to jail and aided the detective in discovering their motives. The second horsemen was killed because of his lies. The third horseman killed himself and tortured his brother by watching.

So three rigs and three horsemen have been revelaed by this point.

The fourth victim was Alex, Breslin;s son. He was the ring leader and the one who pretty much formed the entire plan. Alex was trying desperately for his father to simply drop the case, and focus on his own family. The whole film serves as a means for the detective to discover his son is a part of this, and he feels like he's NOTHING. Sadly, the detective is too self absorbed and dense to realize any of this, as he assumes his son might be in danger.

Alex's death serves as the final step, and the final horseman. His death was supposedly going to be launched on the "we are the nothing" website, starting an "apocolpyse" of several teenagers seeking revenge against their parents for being abandoned. But he couldnt kill himself the correct way, and in the end, we have no idea whether or not he survived or not.

I believe he didnt. The moral of the story was about the detective discovering what a bad parent he was, before it was too late. But sadly, he didnt even know his son well enough to figure anything out. So he learned his lesson, but by losing his first born son.

Its quite a tragic film. And its quite a good one if you ask me!

"They're real. I'M REAL!!"


This was one of the best plot synopsis I've read. Thank you. Very well done!

Sic vis pacem para bellum.


Thanks so much Merrida!! :)

Who's strangling the cat?


Horses and 4 men

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I don't get it. Explain to me like I'm a child, please.

Cute Asian girl gives dead fetus to washed-up actor.

\\\ ///



c'mon guys, take his request seriously.


Even though that was frigg'n HILARIOUS, the Lady is right, someone really should just give a nice synopsis of the film. I didn't even finish it so I can't, sorry...

ILOVEtrading films!I've got a HUGE..uh..collection!Please ask!



DAMN that was funny!!!!

ILOVEtrading films!I've got a HUGE..uh..collection!Please ask!




So, I just got through finishing watching this movie today, at the hotel, The Four Seasons. Anyone know it? It's a good place I'd recommend.
