Who agrees with me?

God-damned Mongorians Tuong-Lu Kim (south park)


Christians and retards probably.


I disagree. I liked the movie. Some easily offended people and people that don't like these type of movies probably agree with you.


No i wasnt offended, i thought it was gay, boring, stupid and just childish.

God-damned Mongorians Tuong-Lu Kim (south park)



That. Was. The. Point.


Just watch The Hangover, now thats a funny movie!

God-damned Mongorians Tuong-Lu Kim (south park)


I thought Borat was a very funny movie but this movie was not that good to me. This Bruno seemed so much different from the one he plays in Da Ali G show, the one in the show isn't so over the top or annoying. Only a few parts I found funny.


Go back to NASCAR and fluff your mullet.

What is your function?


I found The Hangover more offensive than Bruno. I think a lot of Americans have a problem with homosexuality, that's why Borat was better received than this one even though they both had the same formula.


hey hey hey, i loved bruno and also the hangover... but... why is the hangover more offensive????????????????????


They say they are the land of the free, but most of the gay people are not free overthere. I am not gay by the way, but you saw it in bruno how they talked about gay people.



yeah. it was stupid! there were only a few funny scenes! borat was funny, but this one not so much!


Even "GayNuggers from Outer Space" is better than this.


Simply not funny. Not one bit.

The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep.


I thought it was hilarious, for many reasons. I suspect many peeps who didn't like it got their undies in a knot because some aspect of it offended them personally, possibly their own hidden homosexual desires =p
There were so many scenes where I howled with laughter- the court room drama, when he referred to Osama bin laden as a... homeless dirty santa... roflmao..
and my favorite part was the "straight daves man slammin action" - the shots of the crowd when they realized what the man slammin action was really all about, the kid with the shaved head thumping his chest with tears in his eyes.... priceless!! One of the best comedies I've seen in years. Perhaps it wasn't your style, that's ok- there's tons of films out there to watch.


Ohmygod what a hilarious film lmao
The first time i watched it gosh i was crying with laughter
The blowjob lips bit ohmygosh me and my mates cant stop saying that line to eachother lol yess we are sad ;)
It shows how people can be so homophobic
I watched this with my about 4 mates of minee on friday and i was kinda the only one laughing so i was likee hmmm i dont think they likee it,they switched it off i was likee NOO WAYY crazzy peopleeeee!!!
I laughed out loud and they were all o.O
Yupp depends on what you like at the end of the day :)
Great great movieeee though <3
Rip Heath Ledger 1979-2008


It's the worst movie I saw in 2009.

Last seen:
Brooklyn's Finest 8/10
A Serious Man 7/10


No offence, but I really think that you have to have a wide open mind and good understanding to really appreciate this movie. On the surface, this would not be funny. The message actually isn't funny. All it does is humiliate and highlight some areas of America extreme'ism. I laugh at the Bruno "ism's" and the pure guts of this guy.


It's so immature of people to assume that people who didn't like this movie are homophobic. It just wasn't up to snuff period. All the "shocking" scenes were really not all that shocking or funny, the dialogue wasn't very clever and the "story" and character of Bruno was not that engaging.
And honestly, it really isn't that "deep" as some are trying to imply here. I get it, America has a lot of issues to work out with it's diversity of people and this is not just gays but other groups.
It's also not just America, SBC should take one of his movies to the UK and expose some of the hideous racism/sexism/homphobia over in his homeland. Despite what a bunch of Brits will try to tell you, it definitely does exist over there. Hell, look at the history of BNP campaigns over there if you don't believe me. Extremes exist everywhere, it's just that exposing the ones in the US will make him more money.
Bruno had a lot of potential but for me, it fell short.
Although the carbicide comment did make me laugh out loud ;)


Where the hell are the homophobes anyway? I expected about half of the folk here express their discontent with the offensive material yet they´re curiously absent from this forum. Censorship?

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Who agrees? According to the vote counts, people over 45 years of age do - who cares what they think about a gay culture?!

Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.


It was OK. I wasn't offended by the nudity or homosexual stuff, it's just that I found more laugh out loud moments in Borat because they were so unexpected. Maybe the element of surprise added to the hilarity. With Bruno, it's like too many celebrities were in on the joke, especially at the end and that kind of watered it down for me. I think it worked best when people had no idea who he was and how to react on camera.

I think Bruno was OK, but some bits just went on too long. I don't think the movie is about gay culture as much as it's about Sascha Baron Cohen f-ing with some more stupid people. I'd give Borat an A and Bruno a B-. Both are funny mean movies. It certainly wasn't a crap movie. Paris Hilton didn't star in it.


I think most of the people who don't like this movie are from the USA.


I'm from the USA and I liked it. But then I've loved Sasha Cohen's type of humor since Da Ali G Show. His humor is an acquired taste. Maybe also being a woman I tend to take the man on man action less seriously than the typical macho male.

I also enjoy looking at penises on film, so...


I agree. Worst crap ever. Even worse than I'd heard.



I loved Borat, I'm not anti-gay, this movie was awful. Truly truly bad. Career disabling bad. For starters the accent was lousy.Let's hope Baron-Cohen can rebound with the Freddie Mercury movie.


This movie is supposed to cause outrage and condemnation.

That's what makes even more hilarious for those of us who get his humour.

I mean, the people at the end watching the cage fight who were outraged and appalled. That is a good idea of what most of you guys here are like!

What's funny about Bruno isn't the gay kissing, but peoples reaction to it.

This thread is an example of how funny the whole thing is!

