SBC isn't just savaging the right, he's also beating up the left
Sorry guys, but his humor is equal opportunity.
Making light of all the artsy fartsy super-rich with their (tax-deductible-guilt-relieving) pet charities.
Lampooning the fashion world, which isn't exactly comprised of angry hillbillies.
Paula Abdul sitting on Mexicans talking about how she bleeds for the "less fortunate".
I could go on and on. But the hypocrisy; shallowness; pc-nazism and insincerity of the left is made light of just as much and just as effectively as the right IMO.
I do give props to the celebrities in the film. I want to give an Oscar to Harrison Ford just for the 2 seconds of screen time where he says "*beep* off!". The recording artists at the end deserve major props as they were "in" on the joke and did a magnificent job with the self-promoting "save the world" video.