MovieChat Forums > Brüno (2009) Discussion > So which ones were staged?

So which ones were staged?

Maybe I'm just really gullible...but I couldn't tell the difference between the fake and the staged scenes, especially the one with Paula Abdul. Does anyone know which ones were staged completely?


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I don't have all the answers for you, but the Wiki article ( has some very interesting little bits of info throughout. I thought this movie was hilarious.

Obviously things like the Man Slammin' are a combination of staged and real. The audience and set-up is real, but Bruno making out with his old partner is all staged. I'm surprised none of the camera operators got hurt (you can see them throughout climbing the fence and things).


Paula Adbul's scene was not staged.



Wow, almost all the controversial scenes were real, so it's more like a "reality movie" so to speak. I found the scene of the talking thingy of Bruno and Paula Abdul's scene to be the most hilarious of them all.


really? Those 2 scenes were funniest to you? Those were the simplest laughs if you ask me. The whole scene with the hunters trumps those 2 scenes by far.


Does anyone know whether Harrison Ford was in on the joke when he yelled at Bruno to *beep* off as Bruno tried to accost him when Harrison was walking out the door of some building (as shown in Bruno's focus group film) ?



"Does anyone know whether Harrison Ford was in on the joke when he yelled at Bruno to *beep* off as Bruno tried to accost him when Harrison was walking out the door of some building (as shown in Bruno's focus group film) ? "

According to Sacha Baron Cohen, Harrison Ford is in the only scene that was scripted, and was the only actor that was in on the joke.



Nowt wrong with that scene it was staged and hilarious. Its all staged you can tell by the camera angles. Who would allow intruding camera men in every shot or every other scene. Paula abduls scene gotta be fake cause no women is going to sit on a person its too ilogical


The dominatrix scene was definitely shot entirely separately from the swingers party.


I really find it hard to believe that the swingers party sequence was real. Sure, the dominatrix scene was definitely staged, but the couples screwing in front of camera - I cannot believe they (the couples) would have been fine with being filmed. Unless you have some trustworthy sources, I would guess all the swingers stuff was done by actors.


Sacha Baron Cohen was on Howard Stern a few weeks ago and he said that none of the scenes in Borat or Bruno were staged, all of the reactions in both movies are completely raw.


He is a liar, just watch this video:
Makes you wonder how much other stuff was either staged or edited to appear differently than what really happened.


If you believed that, I hope you haven't seen the films. If you have and you do, you're an idiot.


Well, I know for a fact that the Paula Abdul scene was nog staged. On the commentary Sacha said that the gardeners were in on it, but Paula wasn't at all. But, I don't really know about all the other scenes.

Wait, I do know about a few others. The Medium scenes were not staged. The extras & actors knew nothing about what was going on. And the scenes with the agent (can't remember his name, but the older man with the glasses that helped Bruno with his acting), they said he didn't know until after the fact, and he laughed it off and said it was great. =)

That's all I know of as of now.

HP Until The End!


The swinger party was 100% staged. All the women there were adult video sex actresses.


I love the boot camp scene the most! Although the hunters/camping and talk show scenes come close. I dunno what is and isn't staged, but I'm pretty confident these 3 are real; they all seem like plausible reactions.

Sig.: I'm upset by ignorance & I dislike stupidity, but I loathe smart arses & hate grammar nazis.


I liked the part best with the karate guy. I had to watch it a couple of times. When the instructor kicks the dildo, I was screaming.

I don't know if this was a real scene or not but I laughed when he drove out in front of that car while driving with the baby on the scooter.

ENGAGED 19 *beep* TIMES?


Yep I too was in stitches over that I replayed it a few times up till the moment he is almost out of breath desperately trying to karate kick the dildo and avoid being molested. I had to stop replaying it because I was in pain from laughing too much.
