Just finished watching. This was an OK movie for my taste. At least it didn't go too much ridiculous as most of the comedies do for years.
But one thing bothers me is that; at the end, Kassie didn't even ask Wally why he hijacked the pregnancy after the confession at all. She didn't know about the drug he took or his absence of conscious, and during the confession he didn't mention any of it. The confession sounded like he planned and did it. Normally when you're guilty about something so huge, you probably would include that it wasn't planned or intentional. Maybe he didn't exactly remember he was on drugs but he was definetely aware of his mind's situation. Also when it sounds intentional it also sounds like he knew he's his father for 6 years and didn't even tell, that's also a huge matter. A women in her shoes would ask why he did it and why he didn't tell for 6 years. She could assume he did it because he was in love and/or jelaous but would still ask for an explanation for duing something so crazy and waiting to confess for 6 years. I can understand she doesn't wanna talk just after the confession but she'd sure ask when she goes to see him afterwards.
Didn't this bother you? Isn't this ultimately lazy writing or have I missed some part that make these irrelevant or unnecessary?
He,was DRUNK when he spilled/threw out Patrick Wilson's sperm in the sink, during the party 6 years prior. When he saw he did that, still drunk, he went ahead and "provided" his own sperm to fill that cup. It was clear in the scene, the day after that party, when he was in the office with Jeff Goldblum, that they discussed how DRUNK he was arriving at Jeff's house after Jen's party, crying about/mumbling out "Diane Sawyer" (his "inspiration" for his sperm donation). Bateman's character did not remember any of it...what happened in the bathroom, or going to Goldblum's House afterward. So clearly, for six years, as he corresponded with Aniston's character, he had no idea all that time that it was his child. He only realized Sebastian was his son when Aniston returned to NYC, and he actually spent some time with the boy. So, he did not keep any lie from her for 6 years, simply because he was drunk and truly had no idea until he thought about it again all these years later.
I really like Jason Bateman. He always plays a very likable, "straighten guy"/foil to other actors' comedic antics. In this film, since I don't really consider it much of a comedy, he still plays just a mellow, basically good guy (except for his stupid drunken serious folly), and I love his rapport with the kid. I think that that is the best part of the whole film.
He,was DRUNK when he spilled/threw out Patrick Wilson's sperm in the sink, during the party 6 years prior.
Technically you're both right, since he was under the influence of alcohol and the pill which Debbie said, "might as well be pharmaceutical." Since as you said his memory of it was poor, he most likely didn't remember that Debbie gave him something. Combining alcohol with an unknown substance like that can create a unique mental state and could be worse than just having alcohol by itself. Something similar happened to me once.
I imagine the slight possibility that Debbie finally remembered she gave Wally something that one night and told Cassie about it, which may have been one of the reasons Cassie forgave him.
I also agree with the OP about how the confession sounded like Wally planned to hijack the pregnancy. Some viewers don't think it's a good enough excuse for him to say he was drinking and under the influence of what Debbie gave him. I wonder if that's why the screenwriter chose not to have Wally mention it in his confession. The screenwriter also may have felt it was redundant for the viewers to hear him explain that he was under the influence, since most viewers were already aware of it....and yes, it bothers me when an important explanation like that is omitted.
Yeah man, you understood what i meant. I know he did do it in a bad mental state, and he didn't hide information for 6 years but his confession sounded like he did that all. That's a very important aspect of the story and especially the confession, so it should have been included imo. Because although the situation is bad in both versions; if he would have had done it on purpose that would be really really really unforgivable, unexplainable, pure evil; but in the true version it's an honest but really really really bad mistake. So, her forgiveness doesn't make sense to me without that part in the movie.