Modern Low Budget Horror that surprises for the better
Not much fate in the industry as of late with new movies. Mostly all we see is remakes and sequels, while not trying to dismantle both because both ways do turn out good products but this movie made my night.
I was expecting to be disappointed but ended up loving it. I do have to admit the real time run, with the scene where Jaime is back in the van leading to siphoning the gas was pretty boring and I was thinking all the good build up was for nothing, but I was wrong.
At the start I didn't think much of the girls but by the mid point I was rooting for them all and I was happy to learn they all lived although going through hell. The killer woman was nuts and a good killer for a movie like this. Too much sense would have ruined the experience. This is a ride movie that just keeps hitting and that's the reason it's so great. It doesn't need much explanation as to why it's happening as long as they keep it coming at you.
The gore could have been done better, but then looks are never much to care about, it was delivered very good. The acctresses obviously weren't the best in the world but they damn well as did there jobs great and fit there characters. Unlike the trash bunch of Hollywood actors that get parts souly based on names instead of actually knowing anything about the characters they play, but that's enough of changing the subject across Five Across the Eyes.
Overall I'm happy this movie is in my collection and I will watch it plenty more times.It could have done better, but for what it's worth great. I give 8/10 if the people behind it have more to offer, bring it on please.