MovieChat Forums > The Hurt Locker (2009) Discussion > Learning screenwriting and want to know ...

Learning screenwriting and want to know about taking liberties.......

Hi guys, I am an aspiring amateur screenwriter and I just want to ask any of you if some of the supposed technical inaccuracies concerning military combat and procedure took you away from the movie's story?

The reason why I am asking is because I am trying to wrte a political thriller and am killing myself over making this as accurate as possible, but I cannot be right with every minute detail because I do not work for the city government. I've done my research but anything else I would have to work for city hall.

So would it take someone out of the film if say, a crooked politician didn't recuse himself from a city council vote that involved a firm he once lobbied for or if he didn't take the total time off between stints as a lobbyist to a city official as ordered by city law? Is that such a minuscule technical aspect that would take you out of the film?

The only reason why I am asking is because normally this wouldn’t matter but I am trying to write a story with a message and am hoping that a minor technical mistake wouldn’t ruin it for people.


I'm sorry, just want to confirm if you're writing a documentary or a fictional narrative?


They did not take me away from the movie. I will also say this, unless the liberties you decide to take are incredibly obvious then the majority of people will not complain. In fact the only reason I think that so MANY people complain about inaccuracies in this film on IMDB is because it was loved by so many who didn't care about the inaccuracies.



Also sometimes innacurracies help me keep in the film. The uniforms are a year early but since they are the ones I'm accustomed to seeing, and being a visual reminder of these team members actually kept me from being distracted from the here and now feeling of the film. Same with the music and X-Box.

Sometimes it helps to make the visual representation of the film overall instead of nit picking each part of the film. These errors helped me see the film as a whole body of work without a break in believability
