MovieChat Forums > The Hurt Locker (2009) Discussion > Katherine Owes Jeremy All Those Awards

Katherine Owes Jeremy All Those Awards

Finally saw this... after seeing ZDT.

Didn't see what was so great about ZDT. Didn't see what was so great about K19. Both seem kinda dry.

But I gotta say... Jeremy Renner's performance is what makes the movie. The best compliment I can ever pay an actor's performance is: I -know- that guy.

I think you put another guy in that role; someone who is -fine- in every way, but just a little bit less 'everyman', or a little more of a scenery chewer and the thing gets -no- awards.

I had only seen Jeremy Renner before in action movies and I gotta say, the guy is a revelation.

I think this guy is the real deal. He could make a convincing Hamlet.

I predict few Oscars for ZDT and I think she owes Jeremy -big time-.


I absolutely agree. This was a solid, well-made movie. With almost any other competent lead, that's where it would have remained, IMHO. Renner put it into the award-winning quality bracket. Renner has yet to show a broad range to me, but in this movie, "The Town" (in which he was also great), "Bourne Legacy", and to a lesser degree "SWAT" , he's shown world-class talent as a serious action/drama actor.


I wrote this after reading literally -dozens- of 'worst actor ever!' posts. Really puzzled me. I wasn't aware of the guy... I'd seen 'The Town' but I hadn't even remembered it was the same guy. He seems to get a LOT of vitriol.

But the guy in Hurt Locker was, basically, about 10 guys I -know- and that's rare. I sometimes thought I was watching a documentary. And -that- to me is acting.


I also saw this after seeing ZDT. I didn't care for ZDT, it was bland, boring, flat and one-dimensional. But The Hurt locker surprised me quite a bit. Jeremy's character obviously runs the show and he did well, but the supporting cast (I loved seeing Pearce and Ralph Fiennes) was also great. Way, way better than Zero Dark Thirty.


Ralphe Feinnes and Guy Pearce are both guys who makes every movie they're in better. I know there are a lot of haters out there, but Feinnes especially reminds me... in a very good way... of Edward Norton... and Rod Steiger before that. Versatile guys who do DeNiro level work all the time and should be winning Oscars but somehow keep getting cast as 'character' roles in good movies or as leads in mediocre ones.


If you want to see his range, get a copy of Neo Ned. Like you, I'd only seen him in action films so his performance in NN blew me away and made me look at him completely differently. Unfortunately, he's making so much money as an action star, I'm not sure he'll get any sensitive character pieces like NN in the near future. Still, in NN, he is sad, sweet, lovable, funny, emotional...all things I would have never think him capable of before.


Hi, may I suggest "Take" where he shines along Minnie Driver? And I agree with jamesl9, Neo Ned is one of his finest moments. Cheers


I have to agree with Scricciolino (geez, that's hard to spell) that once you see Take, you can't write Renner off as a big guns and agile arrows action star - not that he isn't very good at that kind of thing.

Get rid of Celeste and Mr Fuzzy is yours. ~ Montana Moorehead


And, who directed Jeremy Renner to this great performance? Kathryn Bigelow. They owe each other.


Yep, this film only won awards because of Jeremy Renner... Without Bigelow would this film be anything? NO! without Renner, the film still would still have won best picture. Without the great direction, this script would have been made into a bland and tension-less mediocrity. Katheryn owes Renner nothing, he owes her Everything for how she completely invigorated his career.



The first time I saw Renner act was 'Dahmer' years ago and I was blown away.
It's obviously a weird movie considering who Renner portrays but if your interested in that kind of thing it's a good performance to watch.
