MovieChat Forums > The Hurt Locker (2009) Discussion > The first Iraq War masterpiece

The first Iraq War masterpiece

So says top critic Rene Rodriguez of the Miami Herald. html

With a review that was representative of the 98% of top critics who gave this fin film a thumbs up.


Find one war veteran who would agree with that review. Oh, that's right, you can't!

Greatest Films Not in the IMDB Top 250



"Toto, I've [got] a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."



Yeah, it was an entertaining fluff piece. But it wasn't a masterpiece of film making like Platoon or Saving Private Ryan.

Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to its awesomeness.




Garbage film only people who like this are people who never deployed to the sandbox


Or maybe people who appreciate beautiful cinema... Because no matter what anyone might say about it being military inaccurate, no one can deny that it is a beautiful film.


this ugly boring garbage (literally) is not beautiful.


Hurt Locker was terrible. Jeremy Renner disobeyed a direct order from his commanding officer and nothing happened to him. He would have been discharged or suspended. The British SAS (their special forces) who specialize in combat can't take out terrorists in a sniper duel, but 3 bomb disarmers who only have basic combat training can. How about 3 bomb disarmers wandering around the desert without a squad or platoon. In real life bomb disarmers always have people protecting them. *beep* garbage movie. Talk to any soldier who worked in Iraq and they will point out 1000 things wrong with this movie. It's not the worst movie ever, but this movie winning best picture was an absolute joke.


There are 40 threads on here about how those were NOT SAS troops... Maybe read one.

Other than that, yes. Ridiculous pap passed of by Hollywood to their echo chamber of an Academy (and the drooling morons who slobber "It's a MOVIE!" through their Brawndo) as some sort of "realistic masterpiece." As a realistic portrayal of EOD, Iraq, the military, or just about anything else, it's a 0. As "just a movie," it's a solid 5.

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.


Yeah this movie was not accurate at all except for nailing the atmosphere and paranoia. It looked like Iraq. We watched it and laughed our asses off at the 3 running off to do their own mission lol WE were like really?

Haters gonna hate





Hulk is not lauded as being some "realistic masterpiece"
