They all look a like

Anyone else think this film was a bit racist? The whole part with Sandborn saying that he can't tell one child apart as they all look alike and then James actually does mistake the Beckham kid for some other random child. Yeah good one!


Why does every one have to be so "politically correct"? It's a movie for Gods sake it's no more racial than a Spike Lee movie!!


The film was racist? How? Iraqi people get next to no screen time at all. Its a film about the different personalities of Americans fighting the war. It has virtually nothing to say about Iraqis. Bugger off.


so if you make a move about a serial killer is the movie condoning killing? That's very naive, depicting a character and his attitudes is not to subscribe to the character views.


Hey Ctsamados,

Sanborn may or may not have meant his "they all look alike to me" comment to be racist. The fact is, most people are not very good at accurately identifying people of other races than their own. This is true for all people - not just white people.

It is also difficult for most people to accurately identify people of different nationalities. For example, I am terrible at accurately identifying people from different Asian nations. I am the perfect example of "they all look alike to me," and it has nothing to do with racism. It is simply one's perceptive ability being limited by one's own experiences in life.

In 1980, we had a Vietnamese live with us for a year, and it was a whole new experience for us. Prior to her arrival, we had minimal contact with any Asian people, but while she was with us, we went to many events that included various Asian peoples. She would ask me to guess at a person's nationality, and I would always miss. She was very adept at perceiving the difference between Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Cambodian, and so on. She was, however, much less perceptive when it came to non-Asian people. I did not feel so bad when she could not "see" the difference between Mexican people and plain old brown haired white folks like myself.

It does not always have to be about racism. Sometimes it is just about our abilities and our limitations. We certainly all have bias and prejudice, but that does not make us racist.

Best wishes,
Dave Wile


I find it very amusing that a black guy says this, when the same thing is often said about black guys. Just sayin'.


I actually thought that was the point of it. Almost a poking fun at stereotypes.
