The sniper scene

So this insurgent sniper takes out a couple of guys, including the guy manning the Barrett, yet the black dude sits there minutes waiting for his ammo to get cleaned off, without changing positions. I don't get it.


Two reasons. The black guy (Sanborn) was keeping his eye on a target far away. By moving in the slightest he would make himself more a target while also losing eye on his prey.

He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.


He was in the EXACT SAME POSITION where Ray Fines just got taken out. His position was compromised.


Ralph Fiennnes' character was taken out because he moved after firing, allowing the insurgent sniper see the motion from a great distance. Remember when he totally misses a roof shot then says "I'm going to adjust" and almost stands up then gets shot. Remember the contractor/mercenary is not that well trained in what he was doing. Sanborn was well trained and stayed frozen low on the ground. The position may have been compromised but not near as much as the insurgent sniper's holdout. I mean they were trapped in a box.

He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.


Nonsense. The British Contactors would almost certainly be prior military with significant training. Being that these guys were bounty hunting most likely they would be prior 'high-speed' military types. Though its highly doubtful they would be carrying a Barrett. An EOD Soldier on the other hand most likely would have zero training on a sniper rifle.

You're taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?


You're funny. The British mercenaries were portrayed as clowns in this film regardless of their prior training. The guy "Chris" on the "50" indiscriminately firing at no visible target until shot in the neck. The character played by Fiennes exposing himself to sniper fire twice. First by killing his runaway captives and finally by changing his position while the enemy sniper watched him. Those contractors may have significant training though are probably better suited for night time security at a Walmart.

He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.


An EOD Soldier on the other hand most likely would have zero training on a sniper rifle.

At least the Navy EOD does use the M107 to destroy explosive devices from a safe distance (see this picture on the right

So why shouldn't the Army do so as well? The EOD soldiers won't have the tactical tranining of a sniper but at least they can handle the rifle.


Navy EOD is a completely different entity but, I highly doubt there were any IEDs destroyed by an M82 or M107, thats simply not effective and its not how they do it. A picture on Wikipedia means nada. Navy EOD have utilized small arms from range to destroy mines in the water but totally different thing.

Being able to handle a rifle...not sure what that means but, going from EOD to Sniper with a .50 BMG is a big learning curve. Anyone can jump on a gun and probably be able to operate it but to do so effectively from a great distance and get hits, not gonna happen

You are taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?


i agree that. it was a dumb scene. he could lay down like that if they were in shadows or in a building. just like iraqi guy. but in this case, iraqi guy likes to show himself (even spotter) from the window, although he had a great place to take them all out.

in my humble opinion, whole movie was nonsense in military-wise. marksmanship is yet another profession. you can't just man a sniper rifle and shoot people, especially on that distant. let's say sgt. sanborn had a training on sniping but still, according to events in the scene, the other sniper could get at least couple of them. since he had took some shots and killed.

as a former soldier, whole movie disturbed me. probably for civilians it was a great show but i don't believe it would be accurate in real life.


I'm not a soldier but from what I've seen, wouldn't a Barret cause more damage then a single squib. Like it would remove a quarter of your chest.



I was wondering about that too. But what really seemed to me as stupidity squared was, that they drank from the shiny aluminium drink pack that reflected like a mirror in the sunlight... I'm in no way experienced in military procedures, but I am thinking it is generally a very BAD idea to send light signals with a mirror to an enemy sniper - if he just aimed at the pack, he would have shot Sandborn right into his face...


It may have given their target away, don't know how reflective Capri Suns covered in dirt are from hundreds of feet away. Plus the Hajis had all been taken out by then anyways.


There was a camera shot from the distance - the snipers perspective - in this scene where you could see the Capri Sun shining distinctly. And the enemy sniper has not been taken out yet - they weren't covering on that hill for no reason.


You need to watch the movie again because what you're describing never happens.


I watched it recently and remember it vividly - don't know if this is due to a different cut... have not found a better snap, but look here:

He's drinking the Capri Sun while locking on the enemy sniper. And I remember how amazed I was that the blinking of the drink pack was even shown from a very wide shot. Maybe I will rewatch the scene and put a snap somewhere.


huh? That shot is from like 50 ft. away, not hundreds where the snipers mansion was located. Plus James & Sanborn are actually behind the only two shrubs in the entire dessert, which is why the haji's never shot at them.


Not sure why the British mercenaries were made to look so retarded in this film. Make no mistake about it, mercenaries or not, they would be pros. Most likely ex-SF or at least near to. There's no way an EOD guy could use a sniper rifle to anywhere near an equivalent level. That was a silly part of the movie but didn't ruin it for me.
