The British Scene

Why not shout "friendly" or "British" rather than suffering the humiliation of being forced into your knees by an American?

Posting on IMDb since 1999 - Twitter



voldermort was too busy concentrating on magicking up a nose to disguise himself


I've enjoyed having Americans on their knees very much!


Would they have actually trusted them? How easy would it be for the enemy to just shout something like "friendly" and lead them into an ambush. This way you can show yourself to not be a threat first and then reveal who you really are.
Or maybe the filmmakers just wanted a bit of tension in there.


What this dude said. It would be way to easy for insurgents to just yell back... "aaah... we're British... friendly... it's NP buddy, put down YOUR weapons".

In a war zone you can't trust anyone. You have certain protocols to ensure that you're given the biggest security possible, the Brits know this, and they know that arguing in a situation like that = more problems.


Is it me or were they the least convincing British mercenaries ever?

They were more like a news crew with guns. With the exception of Ralph Fiennes the others were not convincing.



I'd guess if they were private contractors we only know that Fiennes was British, none of the others talked as I recall and there's no reason to assume they are all the same nationality.

At least two others talked and they were both British too.


I think one of them played the brother character of the Queen in Snow White and the Huntman, and he is very British.
