Sandy Pfarrer

At what point does this woman think "Sweet mother of Jesus, my husband is fùcking Tilda Swinton (a large, shark-eyed fish-human) instead of me", and decide to have a .357 round for lunch?

Because if it doesn't happen at some stage, the story is unrealistic and unfinished.


The story is unrealistic in far greater ways than this. Why does Osborne Cox never phone the local police on the break-in or hit-and-run? He could easily put an end to the stalking and have Linda and Chad executed for treason. As far as they knew, they were selling classified information to foreign powers.

And I cannot believe Swinton could fall for a coarse, sex addicted Harry. They quickly discover how mismatched they are.

And what web site ( has only male users submit photos? What man would join such a site? How is this even necessary for the plot?

And who carries a gun on dates? OK, maybe some men who want to impress. But what woman would let a gun-toting stranger into their home?

How does Harry possibly clean up that mess he made in Tilda's bedroom closet?
