MovieChat Forums > Burn After Reading (2008) Discussion > What happened to Brad Pitt's body?

What happened to Brad Pitt's body?

(spoilers obviously)

Ok so Clooney shoots Pitt in the closet at Malkovich's house. He freaks out. End scene. Then later we are in the CIA office and the guys say, 'we were surveilling the house, we got the body, a Treasury agent did it.'

So what happened? Did CIA agents just rush in right after Clooney did it and give him a pass? If so, why did he try to fly to Venezuela? Clearly they didn't arrest him, and he must not have called the cops...

Or did Clooney leave and the body was gone when he came back? Then wouldn't he be like 'where's that body??'

Or did he try and hide the body and the CIA guys just dug it up afterwards. This one makes the most sense to the plot, but it seems like a very important scene to skip over.


I think Cox's ex-boss reported to his chief that Harry dumped the body in the bay. They didn't show a clean-up scene, but we can assume it happened because Mrs. Cox didn't freak out.



Somehow within hours all those clothes and the closet wall were cleaned of blood. Pfft.


They said he dumped the body and JKSimmons character said to get rid of it and monitor the situation. This all happened off screen, like the shooting of Osbourne Cox


The CIA burned the body.

Only dream I ever have is it the surface of the Sun. Every time I shut my eyes it's always the same.


The CIA burned the body.

^^This. Clooney had dumped his body in the river, the CIA guys found it and Simmons' character told him to get rid of the body and they burned it.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


1. Why would CIA want to do that?
2. He couldn't possibly clean ALL of the clothes in the closet from the blood. He had to get rid of it, only to then not find an explanation for the clothes' disappearence.

I own you.



The CIA said they fished it out of the bay and that they incinerated the body.
