Just a terrible, horrible movie
If anyone ever tries to convince you that The Coens are brilliant, just have them watch this turd.
shareIf anyone ever tries to convince you that The Coens are brilliant, just have them watch this turd.
shareI think that what I was thinking all though the movie as it hit various plot points was just what Cox was saying most of the time - "What the f###!?"
One of the things I have noticed about the Coen movies is that they seem very voyeristic to me, like I've got a porthole into someone else's weird or screwed up life, and that much like real life, sometimes things don't make a lot of sense - they just are.
They tend to be billed as "black comedies" but I've never really felt their movies are funny as much as they are bemusing in how things turn about in their eccentric little plot twists. Most movies, even the ones that are supposed to throw you curve balls, I can usually predict. I can't ever seem to get a line on what's going to happen with a Coen film because they just don't move in directions that make much sense.
I can't really say whether I think this movie is lame or brilliant - often times movies like this teeter on the line between the two.
"My name is Gladiator"
"I can´t ever seem to get a line on what´s going to happen with a Coen film".
That´s one of the best things about them, isn´t it?
"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan
Get a line? You're kidding. If you actually phrase what they show they'll be running an amateur theatre for the rest of their lives.
my vote history:
I totally love your description. It's dead on. It's like before you know it the characters are stuck in this crazy situation and the whole film is like a giant WTF moment, which I absolutely loved haha
shareI don't understand how Burn After Reading is classed as a comedy. There was nothing funny about it at all unless you find it amusing on a sadistic level that Osbourne was being screwed over by multiple characters, all of whom were self absorbed with their own selfish interest.
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".
I found it very funny. Harry's promiscuity and paranoia, Linda and Chad's espionage naivete (Russian embassy man: "You are not idealogical?"), JK Simmmons, etc. It's not Superbad or 40-Year-Old Virgin -- the humor is in the delivery and the absurdity, which is the norm for a Coen Brothers comedy.
shareagreed, there is nothing more to add. low budget thrash. cohan still have not come out of low budget days. disappointing after a giving a classic as no country!!!
shareNo Country is a preposterous, pretentious bore.
But it is expected because the Coens didn't write it.
I've posted ad nauseam on this board about the let down that No Country is, so I won't repeat.
Burn was a true Coen Brothers return to form. Watch it a few times. You will be in love with this film. I've watched it dozens of times.
I've also watched No Country a dozen times. There is nothing be savored. It might as well be a Oliver Stone film. A lot of mindless violence coated in philosophical BS. The Coens almost NEVER preach, save for that loser.
I think it was a great movie. No, not because I'm a Coen fan particularly, just because I really liked it. It's pointless, in a good way (Prometheus would be an example of pointless in a bad way).
It's personal - 50% of the people I know who saw the movie really liked it, the other half thought it was *beep* I really hated 'A Serious Man' for example... it's what happens with Coen Brothers movies...
I would encourage you to rewatch Serious a few more times jeroen. It will grow on you. It is another Coen Brothers' masterpiece.
shareIt was not one of the Coen's better films.
Its that man again!!
Coen bros appeal to intelligent people.
shareThis movie was just plain stupid. I love intelligent movies which require lots of thinking and provoke discussion, but this one was so idiotic I so eagerly waited for it to end. I didn't turn it off till the end because I was expecting something to happen, to change my mind about it. But no, a complete waste of time... no intelligence in there whatsoever.