Questions About the Disc

One thing I'm confused about is how the cd got to the gym? And what was the connection to the lawyer's assistant who couldn't find a disc in her bag?


The lawyer's assistant put the disc in her bag and went to work out at Hardbodies. The disc accidentally fell out in the locker room and was discovered by the custodian. The assistant didn't notice it was missing until she was back in the office.


This is some bad editing from the Coen Brothers, which is unexpected from them......

They show Tilda Swinton burning the disk, and 6 scenes later, the disk is found in the gym. They don't tell you how that happened at all. This is kinda an unforgivable error, since the CD is really important to the story.

All they would have had to do is have a scene showing Swinton giving the lawyer the disk, and the rest could play out just like it is edited now.


I didn't see it as an error, or bad editing. One major theme of this movie is that the viewer is expected to tie things together as scenes unfold. Presumably, the viewer is not supposed to know the provenance of the CD until the lawyer asks his assistant about it, and she looks in her Hardbodies bag. That's supposed to clue the viewer into putting the pieces together. The viewer knows (or should know) that Katie gave her lawyer the CD, because he instructed her to "be a spy too, madam" and dig up info on Ozzy, and there is a scene of her doing so.

To add yet another scene putting the pieces together for the viewer would be too much of a giveaway, especially for the Coen brothers.
