The guy is kind of foolish in that he ended up throwing his life away for a vapid, self-centered and manipulative woman who clearly didn't even have him in the "friend" zone. Guy never even had a shot. Not only did he break the law trying to impress her but it was also kind of unethical to pine for her since he was her boss. I can't fault him totally. I mean, I've been interested in co-workers before and when I look back on it, I have to laugh because they were not great catches by any stretch of the imagination. Ted actually seemed to have a pretty good head on his shoulders, too. Sure, he was kind of a pussy, but not a bad dude by any stretch.
The part where I really feel bad for Ted though is that he just happened to catch Cox at the absolute worst time. He became the scapegoat and outlet for all his frustrations, slights, "victimization", etc. The poor guy didn't deserve to have his skull hatched open by some drunken maniac!