A white costar The only way Hart can be considered mainstream
Hollywood is still in its bubble. Will Smith had to deal with this when he made Hitch. If it were two black leads, you'd find Tyler Perry comparisons and words like "niché" thrown around. It'd be marketed only to blacks. Which is weird, since a multicultural cast is not a bad idea. On the other hand, we have the Annie remake that has a multicultural cast (predominantly whites) and it's considered a "black Annie". Think Like as Man Too has a multicultural cast. (predominantly black) I guess it's how the lead characters are comprised.
Think Like a Man franchise. Multicultural cast with black leads/main characters = black film. Niché
Annie. Multicultural cast. Two black leads. It's called a "black Annie". Caveat. Sony has been aggressive in its marketing to a mainstream audience. Which isn't a shock. Since Will Smith and Jay-Z are producing.
The Wedding Ringer. Black and White leads = mainstream
I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega