She wasn't a gold digger. She stated outright that she was sick of dating *beep* (context suggests that she has dated plenty of rich/handsome guys but they are selfish dicks - which is common when you are in demand) and is marrying him because he's a good guy that will also be able to keep giving her the lifestyle that she's used to. That's not really "gold digger" because a) he's not rich - he just has a "good" salary, and b) it's obvious that if money was the goal, she could do better than him.
I do like that they didn't make her out to be a total over-the-top witch. This was much more realistic. Not every single behavior has to be *beep* Good people do bad things and bad people do good things. It's actually surprising that a comedy like this did not portray her so one-dimensionally.
I agree that it wasn't well executed though. They showed no sign whatsoever of her selfish side and then, bam, she's being a total *beep* by not only misremembering "their" song but also insisting that they play it at the wedding. Really? The song that you banged your ex to for five hours is the one you want at your wedding? I know women are crazy, but this was too much too suddenly. Maybe if the hubby had never known, but what woman is going to ask for this right after she is reminded that it wasn't him? Dumb.