Let me just start by saying I love both shows, I love the well produced and slick look of man vs wild..great locations..camerawork. But I always favored Survivorman because it always felt to me like u were with Les as he was going through his 7 days (i also liked that he had to spend 7 days surviving, as opposed to Bear just trying to find a way out) I admit the last couple of survivormans's sucked but Les was burned out by then, But by the same token Bears last few sucked too (Will Ferrel is NOT funny and bear couldnt do any extreme activities with him along..that episode was just a promotional joke)they are starting to run out of ideas for episodes.
I know this topic is endless but just wanted to speak my mind..pce
Bear is pure entertainment. 50 foot dives, and nude swimming under the ice are stunts, and in a real survival situation, would likely get you killed. I agree Les's last few shows were crappy. The reason he quit Survivorman was that it was taking too much of a toll on him. Les was really surviving, not putting on a "look what I can do" demonstration. I like Bear, but Les's advice was far more useful. And I couldn't agree more about Ferrell, he's awful.
"I just wasn't made for these times" - Brian Wilson
They are two completely different shows. First off, both are for entertainment. Neither are really lost or in any grave danger what so ever. But I'm surprised to see this many Bear "haters". Like to the point of him jumping the the ice water naked. Being that seems to be the most popular example to why Bear sucks. People say it was just purely a "stunt", but Bear did point out that in some cases if you had to cross a frozen lake and fell in. He gave key pointers before and after he jumped in how to survive it. Such as rubbing your body with snow...which being in the U.S. Army is true, it does absorb moisture. He also does mention, even though he was naked, that if you did fall in clothed, to remove and dry(obviosuly creating a fire) your clothes instead of carrying on with below freezing gear on.
Sometimes I think people watch Man vs Wild with ear plugs in. Because EVERYTHING he does he usually if not always explains why he is doing and why it may need to be done in a real scenario. Because that is what the show is, its like an instructional video on survival techniques. While Surviorman tries to replicate real scenarios and show how to survive them.
If Bear wanted to I guess he could go just show these survival techniques through demonstration in his backyard...but that wouldn't be to entertaining or TV worthy now would it? As for him flipping into bodies of water, give the man a break. I'm pretty sure its for his own entertainment then yours, just like Les haters get on him for his harmonica.
Rationalizing a reason for doing something does not make it good advice. I've read my share of survival manuals, and I can't recall a single one that advised shimmying 50 ft. up a tree, tobogganing down mountains, drinking elephant dung, or the dozens of other crazy things Bear does. Yes, it is entertaining, it's just really bad survival advice.
"I just wasn't made for these times"...Brian Wilson