Is it just me?

Or is Bear possibly the worst person to ask for survival tips? He seems to go out of his way to make the dumbest choices possible.

I mean if I had my choice I'd take les stroud in a heart beat to get lost with, while me and les are eating rabbit in a hut, bear would have me slapping a raw deer skin on my back and go running threw the woods.


I have a feeling that he would probably be pretty good to ASK about survival tips. His SHOW on the other hand is more for entertainment than actual instruction.


I agree with you. The guy is obviously an expert with a lot of experiance. He was in 21 SAS for gods sake and the youngest Briton to climb Everest. The programme itself however is purely for show. Doing some of the things shown on it will get you killed i.e. rappeling over that gorge on rope he found or jumping down a waterfall. He would be very useful in an actual survival situation when there are no cameras rolling. I personally would go with the best of the lot Ray Mears. I don't think he gets shown in America so I suggest you take a look. He isn't about showmanship or shocks, he has had a lifelong interest in bushcraft and routinely goes to jungles/woods/native tribes for fun away from tv. A real thinking mans survivalist.


Plus it seems he goes with the worst case scenario to show you how to cope with extreme conditions (and to add to entertainment value).


Agreed, why on earth would one wish to run like a madman among stones and logs, that's just inviting an accident that will turn a bad situation catastrophical !
He's constantly promoting rushed decitions and all the time acting really stressed, climbing into caves and stuff as it would be a good idea.

All he does is showing sure ways to get yourself killed.


Blah blah, most of it is entertainment so just enjoy it, also hardly any people that watch this will ever get into a life or death survival situation so you dont know what you will do.

This guy spent 3 years in the SAS and climbed Mount Everest so id say he knows more than you


Blah blah, most of it is entertainment so just enjoy it, also hardly any people that watch this will ever get into a life or death survival situation so you dont know what you will do.

This guy spent 3 years in the SAS and climbed Mount Everest so id say he knows more than you

Blah, blah, blah... the show IS for entertainment, and is worse case scenario. However... when the show first came out, it's producers, and Bear himself, were leading people to believe that he was in these dangerous situations for real, and he was in true peril. Which was all a lie.

But now we have the disclaimers at the beginning of the show. Glad it was exposed....


Being the idiot that you are, thats what you thought.


lol, right? What a dumbass. It'd take an absolute idiot to not realize that he wasn't holding the camera on himself from a distance.. or to recognize the fact that he would address the camera crew.

All the same, he IS in these situations. Not like they have fall nets below him when he's free climbing sheer cliffs. Not like he's going on a prop set when he's jumping into a frozen like in Siberia with negative 20 degree temps outside.

How sad and pathetic does one have to be to criticize someone out LIVING and sharing those experiences? Anyone in this thread contributing to this BS is just insecure about their own masculinity and aptitude at surviving the REAL world. I don't know why they're complaining. They're obviously people they never leave the confines of a secure environment, so it's not like they'll ever have this knowledge put to the test. Sure, Bear doesn't go step by step, provide power-point presentations, and trivialize every detail.. He presents it in application.

They're complaining about the worst case scenarios? Isn't that what people would be most keen to learn? What's the point in telling people what to do if they have a camper and rabbits swarming up to them to be eaten? God forbid he makes the show fun as well as informative


LOL^^^^^^^^^^^ @ These idiots above me.

The show ITSELF said that it was misleading people, thus the need for disclaimers. Bear himself said the show was misleading people, thus the need for disclaimers.

Of course he was not filming himself, but the show(in the beginning) led you to believe that it was just him and his camera man out in the wilderness.

But don't get mad at me because your hero's stunts are staged, he sleeps in a hotel at night, cars and other helpful items just appear out of knowhwere, eats fast food during filming breaks, and has guys dress up in bear suits.

Oh yeah... and WWE Wrestling is fake too...


"eats fast food during filming breaks, and has guys dress up in bear suits."

You're a fool.



^ Lol, Bear Grylls got you haters hating hard. Television has and always will be strictly for entertainment. And ALL reality shows mislead you in to believing they are more real than they actually are.


No Bear only needed to tell idiotic people like you that the show was misleading people.

Oh and that disclaimer in the beginning is telling you if Bear breaks an ankle, gets bitten by a snake or gets a heatstroke he has people to help him. But they can't help him much if he's climbing something and falls down on his head.

So being the stupid, ignorant, hypocritical prick that you are i'm not surprised you don't actually get what that disclaimer is.


Ray Mears is the man, we unfortunately do not get to view him in the USA. There are a few youtube videos and some places to download his work. He is the exact opposite of "Bear" who is a proven fake and liar and only shows irresponsible stupidity on his show.


"les and I" "through"

RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


You can't just blindly follow every advice he gives, you have to think for yourself and apply his tips depending on your current situation, some of the extreme and dangerous stuff he does could be used in extreme situations of life and death where you don't have much of a choice.


Agreed, but most if not all of the people on this board are probably pussies who feel uncomfortable leaving their own country much less exploring another one.
