MovieChat Forums > The Blind Side (2009) Discussion > Is it okay for white people to save whit...

Is it okay for white people to save white people?

How many movies show white people saving white people?

If Michael Oher was white, would the movie be acceptable?

So it's okay for white people to save white people (thousands of movies), but not okay for white people to save non-white people (a few movies)?


Somebody tell white people they're only supposed to save white people.


How about the movie ANNIE? A white man saves a white girl.

You asked for an example, so I gave one. Honestly, I agree with you. I'm white and even I get tired of seeing movies where some poor black person needs a white person to save them. Black people can be successful without having to be saved by white people.

There are plenty of movies about white people saving white people, white people saving black people, white people saving brown people, etc. There aren't many movies about black people saving white people, or black people saving black people. There should be movies like that. Kids need to see movies like that.


How does Michael react to black people who criticize the notion of the wealthy white family helping the poor black kid?

"I don't understand why people would feel that way," the real Michael Oher said, "because as long as somebody is helping somebody and taking somebody off the streets, I don't care, you know, black or white or whatever, it should never be a problem." -20/20


how about a black person saving a white person? Any movies? Or is Hollywood too scared? Just like they're too scared to not whitewash nominees in award shows.


money train arrogant dumbass


Angels in the Outfield for another


A Patch Of Blue - Sidney Poitier saves a blind, white woman. An excellent film.


Black Snake Moan


You need to watch more movies. Hollywood movies have been full of the "Magic Negro" saving white people. There is nothing wrong with showing any people saving any people. It happens every day.


Only a racist would bring skin color into the conversation when it needn't be stated. Congrats, you just brought us back 100 years.


Its a glaring fact. The movie dealt with many elements of racism and pertaining to race, you MORON. Something that Hollywood LOVES to discuss and celebrating self righteous do-gooders
