I am not the biggest anime fan but if anime is well done, I love it. I heard good things about Death Note and I would like to maybe give it a try. My concern is the length of the series. I was was very disappointed by "Monster" and some people compare the two anime with each other in terms of style and quality. I guess I would pass on Death Note if it also resembles the problems of monster.
I don't mind longer series if it is good and keeps me interested. So is Death Note similar to monster? Does it have...
... >50% filler episodes? ... unnecessary side stories and characters? ... bloated with things that never pay off? ... target audience is kids?
How much suspension of disbelief is required to enjoy it?
I'm what I guess you could call a "casual". I think anyone can enjoy Death Note, regardless if they like anime or not. It's a very unique experience. I have no clue why people recommend Monster for those who enjoy Death Note. They're really nothing alike at all. I finished Death Note THREE days after starting it. Monster, I'm still watching but I'm only on episode 18 and I find it hard to get motivated enough to watch it. I've been watching it for a couple months now and that's all I've watched. That should tell you something.
Death Note is very fast paced with almost no filler. All of the side stories and characters have a purpose. The payoff at the end is definitely worth finishing the series. And no, it's not for kids, but neither is Monster really, lol. And no suspension of disbelief is required. All of the characters are intelligent and all of the situations are realistic, given the circumstances. I'm sure once you notice Monster is twice as long as Death Note you'll realize they're nothing alike right off the bat. Watch Death Note, and don't go into it expecting it to be like Monster. Watch it with an open mind and enjoy.
Hi, thanks for the very nice and helpful reply! "Casual" is the perfect term for me as well I guess. Your post sounds very convincing!
I don't mind plot devices, suspension of disbelief and filler episodes to a certain extent, as long as the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. No Anime/Movie/Series is perfect! But I have a limit and monster crossed mine.
Although I have no Interest in Hentai-Stuff I really enjoyed Elfen Lied, because it was good story telling. As simple as that. It does not claim to be "intelligent" or "deep", which can easily be confused with pretentious "pseudo-smart".
Death Note is very fast paced with almost no filler. All of the side stories and characters have a purpose. The payoff at the end is definitely worth finishing the series.
If that is true I can't wait to watch it ;) some filler is ok, if it is still entertaining. (like the fly episode in breaking bad). And most importantly, the pay off has to be worth watching the whole series!
Watch Death Note, and don't go into it expecting it to be like Monster.
Good! Because if I did I would avoid it at all costs.
Oh, if you didn't feel motivated enough to watch more than 18 episodes in a few months than I think you should seriously consider to stop watching. Maybe read a synopsis and watch the last 4 episodes or something. The dragged out extravaganza is still ahead of you - but that is just my opinion (no offence anybody). Many people will disagree with me, which is fair enough.
Oh yes, the payoff is definitely worth it. The last two episodes are masterpieces. They leave no stone unturned and all of the loose ends are tied up. There is nothing more you need to see after the finale. It brings full closure to the series. So if that was a concern don't panic, lol. And yes, I should probably drop Monster. I just keep watching hoping for really great moments but they're so far and in between. It's really interesting and I do really like the characters, especially Tenma, but I already feel like this series should be around 30 episodes, not 74. I don't understand how it could possibly drag out that long.
I don't understand how it could possibly drag out that long.
By adding new characters, side stories and locations, none of which will have much significance in the end. In one episode Dr. Tenma helps some village doctor. I guess it is supposed to show that Dr. Tenma is a good guy. But you should know that already by now.
Anyway, I started watching Death Note and I agree with your description. It is fast paced, very clever, surprising and entertaining. The episodes seem to fly by and I'm not "counting" how many I have watched already (I'm somehwere half through). I'm having a lot of fun with Death Note and will definately recommend it to my friends. No wonder it is so popular.
I'm really glad you're enjoying it. :) And yes, I have seen a few episodes of Monster already that seem like they have no significance to the main plotline. I'm on episode 20 now. I'm also annoyed that they keep reminding us Tenma is a good guy. We know this. It was well established in the first two episodes, lol. The funny part is I'm currently rewatching Death Note (started it again a couple weeks ago). On episode 26 already and I'm taking my time with it. I don't even have to try to get motivated to watch it. I actually have to force myself to stop because of how addictive it is.
By the way, you may find that the last 12 or so episodes of the series are not quite up to the standard of what you've seen. I can assure you that while they're not AS good as what you've seen, they're still very good. The payoff is in the last 2 episodes of the series (which together I consider the finale) and gives the last 12 episodes a lot more purpose as a whole. Let's just say I consider the last 12 a sort of epilogue. I say this because there's an episode in the 20's (not gonna say which exact one) that has a very "different" feel and vibe to it where something crucial happens. I'm trying not to spoil anything so I'll stop there.
Also, apparently the anime left a lot out of the second half of the series when they adapted it from the manga. So I don't know if you enjoy reading manga, but those are recommended as well after you finish the anime series. I haven't read them myself but I'm aware of some things they left out. Nothing huge but some minor details that could've been added. I think the anime alone gives plenty of closure.
Hey! I might tell you my final thoughts here in this thread once I am finished. I don't mind if some parts are weaker/stronger. As long as it keeps my interest and does not repeat itself, it is fine. Right now the series already took a turn when the Death Note was given to the Yasuka Company. So I guess everything can happen in this series. I have no idea how it will end or what will happen next, although I have some ideas and I am curious if I am right.
It is interesting that you say that the anime left something out of the manga. But maybe I prefer that kind of adaptation, because a limited time requires editing and interpretation of the source material. Reading and watching is not the same. I also thought the hobbit movies were incredibly bloated and boring. I don't think adaptations work that way.
Anyway, regarding Monster, I really don't want to spoil anything but maybe it is worth mentioning that Dr. Tenma will not have much of a character development. You might be disappointed if Dr. Tenma is your favourite character. He started to annoy/frustrate me in the second half. Personally, I think the only interesting character is Lunge.
PS: Death Note is the first Anime, where I prefer the English dub to the sub.
Death Note has one of the best dubs out there. Every VA put their all into each performance. Brian Drummond is so good as Ryuk that he IS Ryuk. No one else could have played him. But yes, feel free to share your thoughts after you're finished. Everyone has a vastly different opinion on the series as a whole so I always find it interesting to see what everyone has to say. But that's pretty disappointing that Tenma doesn't have much character development. The only real reason I keep watching is for him. Unfortunately I already know what happens at the end. Screwed myself by Googling it. -_- Again, never Google a series. Someone will ask a spoiler filled question on a forum or Yahoo Answers and ruin it. At least I know there is no real payoff lol.
Finished Death Note a few days ago. Here is my "Mini-Review", he he:
I really enjoyed Death Note and it was incredible fun! An exciting and very clever brain twister. I never felt bored and I always wanted to see what would happen next. When I read the premise, I thought this show will be about the protagonist dealing with the temptation of power and the moral issues. But I was wrong. The show does not waste time. It is more like a riddle game between the two main characters.
My only "complaint" would be that it gets a little confusing sometimes. I am sure that everything makes "enough sense", but a little more exposition would not have hurt. When the third Death Note appears, things get a little messy. But maybe I just did not pay enough attention. Anyway, it is just a minor complaint.
About the logic and suspension of disbelief: Well, I might disagree with you a little. The probability that "most" of the plans really work out in the end is rather small. I mean that some characters seem to be "too intelligent" for a human being (they seem to have "psychic" powers sometimes). This is not a complaint. I could accept that, because detachment from realism gives the writers more creative freedom. It was cleverly used and if I am willing to accept Shinigamis, I am more than willing to accept human beings with an IQ of 300+.
I could see what you meant by epilogue. But to be honest, I really did not mind the change of events, because it moved the story even further and I agree that the last 2 episodes are really good and deliver a very satisfying conclusion.
I loved details like "L" needing a lot of sugar (because he burns so many calories thinking I suppose) and actually eating throughout the show or N playing with toys all the time.
To answer my own question: I have no idea how people see any similarity between the two shows. Pacing, style, narrative and story are completely different. I would not recommend Monster to a fan of DN and vice versa.
Death Note is fantastic and one of the best anime I have ever seen. It deserves the praise.
I'm really glad you liked it! Also glad you enjoyed the Near/Mello arc as well as the last two episodes. As for the suspension of disbelief/logic part. Considering the fact that notebooks that kill people and gods of death exist in its universe, Death Note is about as realistic as it can get. I heard in the manga the characters' theories and conclusions are better explained but I don't know for sure since I haven't read it myself. It's hard enough as it is to faithfully adapt a manga into an anime. Some things translate well and others don't. The anime was mostly accurate for L's arc, but rushed through Near and Mello's. No idea why. I really do wanna read the manga, at least the last half of it. But yeah, glad you won't recommend Monster to anyone who liked this because I was severely disappointed. Attack on Titan is something I would recommend to people who liked this. I'm watching that right now and greatly enjoying it.
Considering the fact that notebooks that kill people and gods of death exist in its universe, Death Note is about as realistic as it can get. I heard in the manga the characters' theories and conclusions are better explained but I don't know for sure since I haven't read it myself. It's hard enough as it is to faithfully adapt a manga into an anime. Some things translate well and others don't. The anime was mostly accurate for L's arc, but rushed through Near and Mello's. No idea why.
The anime might not be perfect (I do not know the manga), but it was great the way it was (imo). But I think 3 more episodes would not have hurt. (interesting that I was complaining that monster was too long and now say Death Note was too short!)
But yeah, glad you won't recommend Monster to anyone who liked this because I was severely disappointed.
me too! And I had no expectations whatsoever!
Attack on Titan is something I would recommend to people who liked this. I'm watching that right now and greatly enjoying it.
It is funny that you mention that. I watched 2 episodes before I started Death Note. Now after Death Note I continued watching and I agree: I am enjoying Attack on Titan a lot!
You seriously think Monster's target audience is kids? What world do you live in? There aren't nearly as many filler episodes as you're implying, and the side stories and minor events do pay off if you pay attention.