Why do people like Light?

He is sooo creepy and cruel. He's to selfish to be capable of love and he killled a lot of good people in his quest. So why would you like him and root for him, I don't get it.

PS so someone below who is pycopathic pointed out psycopaths are not incapable of love, I changed it and I'm sorry!


Its more fun than rooting for him to get caught.

A Revolution without dancing is a Revolution not worth having.


He's the "hero": You'd be surprised how many people will take the side of the main character just because the show if from their perspective.

Cunning: Some people are impressed with how smart he is. They think it's impressive if he can get away with it. They probably also think of him as the underdog, even though he has far more power than the people chasing him, regardless of how many of them there are. Due to his anonymity, and the absence of evidence the Death Note maintains. Without someone like L there would be basically ZERO chance he would get caught. (Which is probably worth bringing up when people complain that Mello and Near were too much like L)

Power/Control: Some people like to imagine they can do whatever they want. It makes them feel in control. Even if they don't agree with him, they might live vicariously through him in this way. For the same reason people root for villains in other movies.

Unreasonable sociopathy: They see Light's victims as less than human, and believe he's doing everything for the right reasons - despite all evidence to the contrary. (There's almost nothing in his private thoughts to vindicate this) These people probably aren't very smart.

"Reasonable" sociopathy: An argument could be made that Light's motivations, mistakes, and misdeeds don't matter because he is likely to be a "lesser" evil. The argument would be that if he kills a handful of FBI agents because they "defied" him, the ethics of that reasoning are not valid, or at issue, because possibly more agents were saved when he killed a Timothy McVeigh or a Ted Kaczynski. That any innocent lives can be tallied up the same way as well.

Light's is a method that is not remotely evidence based. His victims have no recourse, and he strikes them down instantly, without inquiry. I find it near impossible to imagine this is a pragmatic approach to combatting evil. It's also undoubtedly hypocritical. But again, people like to weigh things against each other when you bring this up. Like it should all be based on a scorecard. I think it's asinine to assume fewer innocent people are being killed due to the use of this method, but unfortunately, because of its ambiguous nature, this is hard to determine with any certainty, and so people defending Light for this reason can use that uncertainty to justify their opinion. It's kind of the "Dick Cheney" argument of punishment. 'Innocent people should suffer for the punishment of the wicked' Just what exactly is being protected, or saved as a result of that philosophy, I have no idea.

Some people, also, are probably just as much of a psychopath as he is.


Every time he said a single word, I couldn't help but think "What a bastard..." The fact that there are people who actually root for him shows the flaws in our society. I have to admit, I liked him up until he killed Penber's fiance.


I hope the irony of this isn't lost on you - that you say; people liking Light demonstrates societal flaws - and yet he crossed the line several times before you changed your opinion of him. Had you maintained a consistent thought process you probably would have liked him the whole way through.

Maybe that demonstrates a different societal flaw, since I find it interesting how you didn't choose to dislike him until he harmed a woman.


I chose to dislike him when he killed a character that had potential - unlike Light himself.


Yeah, I think your perception of good and evil is also a little weird. You didn't hate him when he killed Penber, but you did when he killed his fiance? Interesting. I honestly wasn't on either side the whole time but that's only because if Light had been caught right away, we wouldn't have a series! So I was just along for the ride, though at the end, I loved watching Light get what was coming to him. I was kinda like Ryuk honestly, just a spectator until the end where he basically said "it was fun while it lasted".


I never said that I liked him when he killed Penber. In fact, during the whole time I was hoping that he would become the person before he found the notebook and spare him. But when he killed Penber's fiance, who had nothing to do with Light besides being related to Penber, that's when it was too much. He should have at least tried to understand how she was feeling instead of eliminating her right away.


No, you really make it sound like he didn't kill Penber (and a whole host of FBI agents) first.

And he eliminated the fiance for the same reason as all of the others. She was a viable threat. Really Light was obviously evil the first time he tried to kill L. The extent of his evil was realized when he conspired to take out the agents assigned to his case, it really couldn't get worse from there. Because by that point his goal is solidified as a power grab that has nothing to do wtih protecting anyone, or making the world a better place. He even shows himself to Penber as he dies, as the giant walking d!ck that he is.



The show never stops to deal with a never ending string of issues to do with that line of thinking. Some of which it pretends to mention, others it ignores outright. - But I give it a pass anyway, on the grounds that Light being a murdering prick streamlines the argument that his actions were abhorrent. Some of those questions could be seen as entirely irrelevant when you consider that it's more about A- what kind of person he is and B- what kind of power he wields. And how related those things are too each other. Broader moral arguments can be discussed as a completely peripheral argument. - I do feel the show could have still touched on these things, just, the fact that it didn't; doesn't mean the show sucks. It's actually one of the best shows I can think of.



But he doesn't succeed. People say he succeeds, but we're also told Mikami alone is able to fill an entire page of the Death Note once a day. If there were no criminals; he and Light would not be able to kill them. And if they're not killing criminals they're killing the innocent - by the hundreds, hence, at the very least the idea that the crime rate is at zero is a lie. Bearing that in mind, it's not diffcult to assume the claim is not even hyperbole, but a flat out lie. It's just another part of his god complex, to pretend the world is a perfect place now that he's sure he has no challengers. Just like it is to pretend his mentality doesn't make him a scumbag

I don't know why people don't notice this stuff more often. - I don't think they're supposed to be mistakes... But then... I guess if anything is "supposed to be" it isn't technically a mistake? - Just mocking my own word choices there.



I believe so. It's not like the characters in the show not to see through bullsh!t, admittedly. But Light might've found a way to officially manipulate statistics by then. Further, that's a pretty significant difference, if they leave Kira's kills out of it either way. Arguably Light has a near monopoly on violent crime.

Capital punishment never stopped criminals from breaking the law before. Petty crime probably is down though. There's no way people aren't committing crimes out of desperation - or savagery, if they're a psychopath like Light, but a purse snatcher, probably doesn't want to die for snagging $70 bucks unless he's already on the brink of death. Though it's possible, if you've ever heard a "three strikes" story, that this might be an unlikely deterrence altogether. It's hard to prevent crimes by applying negative pressure. If at all, he might only have discouraged the least egregious of crimes. That could skew the crime rate. Which would be fine if the punishment wasn't so disproportionate to the crime.

It's at least a little possible that none of this was thought of during the writing process. Considering the thought that went in to the rest of the story, I guess it's not impossible, and like I said, that supposedly wasn't the point of the story, but I think it sends a better message if there's some acknowledgement that Light's behavior can't be helping. And that's what I thought the Mikami reveal was trying to do. I mean, how easily he fills both sides of a page... that seems questionable if they're helping anything.


Capital punishment never stopped criminals from breaking the law before.

Yeah, but consider how hard it is to bring about capital punishment. What is the percentage chance a murderer today gets this outcome, vs. a murderer in Light's world? In LIGHT'S world, I think his actions would drastically affect the crime rate, though sheer desperation would mean it is highly doubtful it would ever be zero.


Yeah, but consider how hard it is to bring about capital punishment. What is the percentage chance a murderer today gets this outcome, vs. a murderer in Light's world? In LIGHT'S world, I think his actions would drastically affect the crime rate, though sheer desperation would mean it is highly doubtful it would ever be zero.

Then you're naive. Capital Punishment back in the pre-Modern era were far worse. if not just as swiftly cunning and detrimental as Light's Shini' methods and people were still committing crimes left and right.

The end when Light parades about lowering the crime rate to X percentage was such bullsh!t if you applied real-life human nature. No one would stop killing people even if a mad serial killer could do it with a notebook.



I wanted to say, I used to write fanfiction. (Yep. Please don't hate me.) I was thinking about how creative Death Note was, but also how I felt it didn't properly tackle some of these themes. And I got to thinking about how crimes are often committed by people under the pretenses of not being caught or captured to begin with, and how there's a giant flaw in the way Kira supposedly prevents crime - as a result.

Even more interesting: Serial killers are often prepared for their capture, and it's said, in many cases want to be caught, so they can brag to the world about their crimes. Even if it means a noose. There's also a dedicated narcissism, in a lot of cases, where the killer mocks an authority figure's inability to catch them. Usually by planting clues, or confessions in the media, and taunting the police.

But the ultimate authority figure in Death Note is not the police it's... Kira.

My story took place in the timeskip, and had Light using the Death Note to kill a man who'd been accused of murdering his wife. Only to receive a taunting message through SakuraTV from the real killer, mocking him for killing an innocent man, and implicating himself in her death. He calls out Kira's limitations, saying that if Kira wants to kill him, he'll have to get a good look at him. Then vows to murder more people, just to spite him.

Light then comes up with a convoluted plan to use the murders to "catch Kira" just so he can solve them, and kill the guy too sooth his bruised ego.

I had a number of really good plot twists planned out, unfortunately it didn't pan out, I always intended to get back to it, but a number of issues have prevented that. Not the least of which the idea of writing for free, when I literally have no job right now. I can't make it a priority, but I honestly think that it would not only fit into the Death Note canon quite nicely, but explore deeper malfunctions in Light's image of himself, versus his actions.

I'll admit, I was kinda proud of it. Too bad about the thing.



Hey thanks, I try 


You sound like the type of person to believe that video games influence kids to cause violence... Somebody can like Light because they find his character interesting and a breath of fresh air when we're too often presented with a boring, predictable "heroic" figure that has no character/style/motive but to just "bring justice". His flaws give him so much character, and are what partially what made Death Note compelling. How much of a toll his ego was going to take on the world, simply because he was too weak to deal with a corrupt society with more patience and clarity, made for a great show.


Because all video games contain violence... You're replying to a year old (and a half) post, anyway. Light had good motivations at first, but then he become a pitiful criminal just like the ones he wanted to get rid of, or even worse.


Maybe because he was trying to create a fair world and would do everything to achieve that? would you give up some girls you barely know for that? because i know i would.

He wanted a world full of peace where only good people live. People like L. and Near blocked him doing it. I actually dont know why you would NOT like him. Unless you are one of the 'evil' people ofcourse.


You must be a big fan of Hitler


By that you mean to say muslims, jews, gay people, etc. are the evil and bad people and should be dead?

If so, that makes you one of the biggest racist's out there.

If not, then you clearly don't understand the difference between evil and bad, that Light wanted gone, and races that Hitler wanted gone.


According to Hitler, he wanted to rid the world of bad influences on the German people (he said), and he decided who those bad influences were. Light wanted to rid the world of bad people (he said), and he decided who those bad people were.

Philosophically - fundamentally - they are the same. The fact that you can't make that connection proves you aren't capable of making an intelligent assessment of his actions, or this anime. Your opinions are childish and reactionary. Instead of looking at the impact Light's actions have on society, or his personal interests, you attach yourself to their delusions and praise them, thereby justifying a destructive thought process as constructive, positive or meaningful. It's a perversion of the intentions of the story. Light is the kind of person who would see your praise as pathetic, but an overall validation of his authority. In his mind you would be submissive, weak, easily manipulated - a means only to achieve his own ends, if at all, and otherwise useless. By validating him you unknowingly validate your own worthlessness. Because that is at the core of his belief - that he is better than you are.

Don't believe me? He treats every person like a disposable pawn, even to the point of exploiting the life of his own father in an attempt to kill his enemies. He does this for a cause. This cause is himself.

He's petty, cowardly, and selfish. None of these traits are disuptable, none of them are the traits of a truly great leader. If you think his actions are righteous, noble, and for a good cause; not only are you delusional, you might as well be a Nazi. They believed the same thing about their Führer... they were just as wrong as you are.


It's funny how you are trying to cover up my point by trying to give an 'intelligent' answer.

You can't compare Light to Hitler. It is indeed true that Light can decide who te kill, ofcourse, the idea of the Death Note. If you watched the anime, you would know how many times he said that he wanted a world of peace, a world where the bad were gone, and so he started killing criminals, which are bad people because they hurt people, physically and mentally. In Light's world, there was no such thing. Light was a good person.

You know his own father would have died in 2 days anyway? you know that there would be no difference in that, the only difference would be Light having to lose. and he could have killed his sister but he chose not to, which shows that he actually cares about her.

Hitler on the other hand, killed INNOCENT people. Light stood UP for the innocent people. If Light was like Hitler, why didn't he just kill good people aswell? even though they have done nothing wrong? Because Hitler did.

You are a racist human being for comparing someone that killed innocent people to someone who wanted a better place for the innocent people, which costed him his and his fathers life. The world needs someone like Kira, but because it's too corrupted it won't happen.


It's funny how you are trying to cover up my point by trying to give an 'intelligent' answer

What's covered up about your non-existent point? My answer is objectively more intelligent than yours. You can't see what was spelled out for you; in the show you're talking about.

You can't compare Light to Hitler.

I have.

If you watched the anime, you would know how many times he said that he wanted a world of peace, a world where the bad were gone,

Quotes attributed to Adolf Hitler:

We want this people to be faithful, and you must learn fidelity. We want this people to be obedient, and you must practice obedience. We want this people to be peace-loving but also courageous, and you must therefore be peace-loving and at the same time courageous.

As Fuehrer of the German people and Chancellor of the Reich, I can thank God at this moment that he has so wonderfully blessed us in our hard struggle for what is our right, and beg Him that we and all other nations may find the right way, so that not only the German people but all Europe may once more be granted the blessing of peace.

My fame, if Providence preserves my life, will consist in ... works of peace

Have I not watched the anime?

In Light's world, there was no such thing. Light was a good person.

From the anime (sane and intelligent people see the purpose in these scenes):

Ryuk: Why even bother? What are you trying to achieve by passing judgement on them? I mean, why do you care?

Light: Because I've been bored too, Ryuk.

Wow. How righteous...

Light: At first I wrote the names of the worst criminals I could think of, like I was cleaning up the world one name at a time, so that eventually no one will ever do anything evil again. And while the truly guilty ones who deserve to be punished for their crimes die of heart attacks, the people who are less guilty but who still make trouble for others will slowly be erased through disease and accidental death. Then and only then the world will start moving in the right direction. It'll be new world free of injustice and populated by people who I've judged to be honest, kind, and hardworking.

Ryuk: But if you did that, it'd make you the only bad person left.

Light: Huh? I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm a hardworking honors student who's considered to be one of Japan's best and brightest. And I... I will become the God of this new world.

Ryuk: It's just as I thought.. Humans are so interesting.

I'll spell it out for you, since you're incapable of getting it on your own. Ryuk just called Light a hypocrite - he thinks it's amusing and ironic. Which is why he says humans are interesting.

You know his own father would have died in 2 days anyway?

The point of this inane justification is... what, exactly?

Here's a quote from the creator of the anime you're talking about by the way. On his own character:

I never thought it was important to define Light as either good or evil. To me, Light is evil, L is slightly evil and only Soichiro is totally righteous.

He also supposedly said that Light is always seen eating lunch alone because he thinks he's above most people.

I could, however, also let Light speak for himself:

There are many types of monsters that scare me: Monsters who cause troubles without showing themselves, monsters who abduct children, monsters who devour dreams, monsters who suck blood… and then, monsters who tell nothing but lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance: They are much more cunning than others: They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart; they eat even though they’ve never experienced hunger; they study even though they have no interest in academics; they seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such monsters, I would likely be eaten by them… because in truth, I am that monster.

Lets see if you can get what that quote means without me spelling it out for you.

Hitler on the other hand, killed INNOCENT people. Light stood UP for the innocent people. If Light was like Hitler, why didn't he just kill good people aswell?

Are you stupid?

You are a racist human being for comparing someone that killed innocent people to someone who wanted a better place for the innocent people, which costed him his and his fathers life.

Oh... should've known the answer before I even asked.

Yes Light clearly cared about his father - and innocent people that's why he says this near the end of his confession:


I could do this forever. Even as Death Note's creators pretend to remain neutral about the events depicted, everything in it simply does not support the position you've taken. The story is literally the opposite of the way you see it.

I'm guessing you're a very young person. Nobody else could be this dense.


Jesus i'm not even sure at this point if I am being trolled or not. Nice quote of Hitler... and what did Hitler do to achieve that? And what did Light do? World of peace can only be achieved if the evil is gone, and so that is what Light was trying to do, as shown multiple times throughout the anime. Again, if Light was like Hitler, why didn't he kill innocent people? I am not sure why you are saying 'Are you stupid'? Because Hitler idea's are totally different. Hitler wanted only his race and the rest, even when it consists of good hardworking honest people, should be 'deleted', as Mikami would say, while Light wanted, again, the good, hardworking, honest, innocent people to live.

And by the way, isn't Light above most? His social skill combined with his understanding and ability to study are above pretty much anyone else in the country. He is better than alot of people in alot of ways.
How can somebody who stands up for the innocent and honest be evil? Yes he kills people, but those are the ones that do not belong to a peaceful world thus making it justifiable.

Did you see the show mentioning several times that after Light's actions so many criminals stopped what they were doing and the drop in percentage being insane? That was what Light wanted. It would become even better if not so many stood in his way.

And lastly that quote in which you are basically trying to say Light lies.
Yes, he does. If he didn't, L. would know he's Kira after approx. 5 minutes. Probably shorter, but that's not really relevant. You have to sacrify to get what you are trying to achieve.

If you are trying to compare Light to Hitler in the sense of: Hitler showed himself as good to the people, as the German people at first thought he was good, but later saw who he truly was, while with Light the people also adore him but might later see that he was not after what he said? That's the only way i can see something but then again, we know the intentions of Light to truly make a better world. The anime explains that. We cannot go another route than what happens in the anime.


Jesus i'm not even sure at this point if I am being trolled or not.

No... you wouldn't would you?...

and what did Hitler do to achieve that? And what did Light do?

If you didn't notice - they pretty much had the same method of achieving their goals.

and the rest, even when it consists of good hardworking honest people, should be 'deleted', as Mikami would say, while Light wanted, again, the good, hardworking, honest, innocent people to live.

But Hitler didn't think those people were honest, hardworking, innocent people. Why don't you even pay attention to the anime? Mikami and Light kill innocent people constantly - because like Hitler, their perception of justice is stupid, and flawed, and their power is undeserved. Which again is the POINT of the f--king show.

And by the way, isn't Light above most?

No. The fact that you ask this, proves my point. F--king Nazi.

Did you see the show mentioning several times that after Light's actions so many criminals stopped what they were doing and the drop in percentage being insane?

Ruling through fear, is not peace. In addition, if you actually read this message board, you would see my opinion on this little piece of the puzzle. But before you read those. (If you do) I should point out that the police are meant to uphold the law, they can only do so when the law can be enforced, which Light makes impossible. The world of Death Note is fiction, and therefore speculative, that means the reasons within are equally hypothetical in nature. It's not questionable that the creator of Death Note says Light is evil. It is questionable why "crime statistics" are so low in the show. They assume it's "because of Kira" but that doesn't mean it's THAT simple. Are people not starving? People steal food when they're starving. A logical real world explanation for the drop in crime rate would be that the police look the other way in the event of less serious crimes - even violent ones - because they know the punishment will never be fair. Which could mean an equivalent number of crimes - or more - with fewer on record. You probably could scare SOME of these lesser criminals away from certain activities, through fear of Kira. That leaves only the worst crimes to be reported - and guess what, they're usually not the types of people to be afraid of Kira. Read the rest of the thread. You'll see what I'm talking about. I'm not about to re-type this sh!t out for you. Suffice it to say, that drop doesn't have to mean anything. Other than proof that the world has a ruthless dictator to contend with.

I'd also like to point out that, frankly, that's the most unrealistic thing in the story, sans premise. How can two or three people kill enough criminals in every country around the world to drop the global crime rate by 70%? Even if they're just writing their names down. That's hundreds of thousands of people a day. Do you understand math? Do you have any clue how impossible this is? It probably stretches into the millions when you consider lesser violent crimes, and other "offenses". The question of that alone is enough to challenge its existence within the story. When the odds of that happening are essentially less than zero, you have to assume - if the anime is not stupid - which it doesn't appear to be, for the most part. Somebody is fudging the numbers, to appease Kira. Whether it's the police on the street, the statisticians, or Light himself.

And lastly that quote in which you are basically trying to say Light lies.

God! - You are slow... No, that's not what that means... not at all.

If you are trying to compare Light to Hitler in the sense of: Hitler showed himself as good to the people, as the German people at first thought he was good, but later saw who he truly was, while with Light the people also adore him but might later see that he was not after what he said?

Hey, this sounds half-way smart!


we know the intentions of Light to truly make a better world.

...stupid bomb... Thanks for ruining the little bit of respect you accumulated, immediately. Now I don't feel so bad about all the other shots I took at you.

The anime explains that. We cannot go another route than what happens in the anime.

Oh my GOD! No. It doesn't. Again, you would know that if you paid any attention. Good on you; ignoring the creator's words about what kind of person Light is. Your willful ignorance becomes more apparent with each post.


Does Light kill innocent people? Who as example? People who stand in the way of making a better world should be killed.
For you to disagree that Light is smarter than most shows your ignorance towards him - i get that you are against the character but it's clearly shown that he is much smarter and more capable to get out of a situation than pretty much anyone else. He analyses things perfectly and understands everything people say and their intentions while saying it. He outsmarted L. several times.

Your point on it not only being Kira: Again that's going off the show. It's said in the show: Since Kira came, crime statistics had dropped massively. Nothing else has been given. We can only assume what is given in the anime otherwise there is no point in this discussion.

I have one question for you though - what do you think Light wanted to achieve? Don't answer me 'God of the new world' because that is vague. In the anime he said several times he wants to make a better place for the good people and delete the evil. Do you deny he said that? So what do you think he really wants?

Also just saying i'm not in this discussion to annoy or being ignorant - I am interested in other opinions and have my own to it.


Who as example? People who stand in the way of making a better world should be killed.

This is not just an opinion, but a remarkably stupid one.

For you to disagree that Light is smarter than most shows your ignorance towards him

No, it proves you are a sheep.

i get that you are against the character but it's clearly shown that he is much smarter and more capable to get out of a situation than pretty much anyone else.

I'm beginning to see why you idolize him... He's capable of all the things you aren't. Here's another amazing thought. By that rationale a serial killer who is smarter than the police deserves to get away with murder. He's better than the police, right? So he deserves it. Right? Incidentally I wrote a speculative fan story about a serial killer who outsmarts Kira. If this happened, is the killer better than Kira? If not, then Near is objectively better than Kira by a wide margin. Not only did he outsmart him, he did it without killing anyone. In other words, Near, not a murderer, caught the greatest murderer, and Light greatest murderer; failure, who was captured. He was dumb enough to be captured, his claim of being better is null and void.

What about the Nazi thing again, the Nazis were better capable of killing the inhabitants of the countries they invaded, more than most of the countries were at defending themselves. Germany had just lost the previous World War, and they emerged as arguably the strongest and most technologically advanced military in the world under the Third Reich. If Hitler, had been just a bit smarter, or his scientists had just a bit more time and money, we would all be living under his regime. What does Light say? If Kira is caught he is evil, if Kira remains uncaught, he is justice. Again I KNOW I have to spell this out for you. It means the victor decides what justice is. I use the Nazi comparison because it is apt, because all you are doing is supporting the same mentality, attached to a different more rationalized ideology. But a rationalization is not an objective, pure, justification - it is an excuse. For ruthlessness, for recklessness, and for evil. A monopolization on evil, but an evil nonetheless, and remarkably potent one. If Light's crusade was so meaningful, why did the world return to normal instantly at the end? Most historic, revolutionary changes for the better, garner support from the populace, and they grow from it, towards more permanent, comparable fixtures. To honor the original idea. The fact that people continued on, as they were, once he died, is proof of civil unrest with his methods. A real solution would foster peace well beyond his death.

Additionally, it further proves my point about violent criminals, and shows that people were not afraid to test the waters. Would people really want to take the chance that there wasn't another Kira out there, or that there wasn't someone else ready to carry on the work? Apparently they would. What does that say about the influence he had? Answer: it proves he had none.

Your point on it not only being Kira: Again that's going off the show. It's said in the show: Since Kira came, crime statistics had dropped massively. Nothing else has been given. We can only assume what is given in the anime otherwise there is no point in this discussion.

Do you understand the word hypothetical? If a show has no reasonable explanation for a turn of events it is a plot hole. That hole can only be filled by speculation, and that speculation generally follows the logic of the real world, or the internal logic of the world itself. i.e. you would not assume that crime dropped by 70% because of unicorns. The fact is, my assessment of the reality of the show is more reasonable than yours, regardless of how much or how little information is given. Why?

There are seven BILLION people on this planet, with over a hundred countries of varying crime rates. And there are only 86400 seconds in 24 hours, with a limited time period for Light, Misa, and Mikami to work within. That means, given Light's retarded criteria for what a "bad" person is; they would have to be writing thousands of names in a matter of hours just to make dent. This is not even mentioning the research that would be required each day to find these "criminals." In EVERY COUNTRY. That, coupled with the real world statistical evidence that capital punishment does nothing to deter crimes, and there is more than enough there to suggest that those numbers are bullsh!t. Unless you can prove to me that Light got his hands on a Tardis, it is LOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for this guy and his two friends to murder their way to peace.

You either admit that this is a plot hole, drop it entirely, or offer an alternative explanation that isn't just "He killed people, and now they scared." FFS, between collecting and (hopefully) assessing information, and then writing names down, this guy could maybe kill 800 people a day, globally. As a real sicko, you'd probably have the same chance of dying in a car crash, no matter how many people you raped or slaughtered, than you would meeting your demise at the hands of that whiny brat loser.

Or maybe you just accept the fact that this cartoon about a magical notebook is not a simulation, and instead focus on the very real, persistent indicators that this guy represented pure evil throughout the entire course of his own show. He's manipulative, controlling, violent, apathetic, vain, egotistical, and merciless. He laughs maniacally, he refuses to listen to reason, stylistically; his eyes glow red, and they play creepy music whenever he's plotting something. On top of all of this, there's that QUOTE again, that you can't f--king decipher (as if it were written in military code) where he flat out calls himself an unfeeling monster.

I have one question for you though - what do you think Light wanted to achieve? Don't answer me 'God of the new world' because that is vague

F--k you. That is bullsh!t. Don't ask me a question and then tell me the right answer isn't allowed. You're going to pretend that "delete the evil" isn't as vague as "become a god" Become god was his stated goal! And that was primary to eliminating "bad" people. And it certainly placed no importance on preserving good people. Or he would not have eliminated anyone trying to trap him. It's unfathomable to me - how insistent you are, how selective - how utterly delusional your every point is. Is it REALLY so hard for you to grasp that a person does not actually MEAN a thing that they say? If so, why don't you believe Hitler, and what he said? He had the best intentions if you believe him - and he's the worst f--king criminal in human history! People don't just lie to others, they lie to themselves! He says he wants to make the world a better place but his EVERY ACTION proves otherwise. He is a megalomaniac and his goal is control. Why don't you get that f--king quote I've had to SHOVE in your face? What is really so difficult about any of this?

Also just saying i'm not in this discussion to annoy or being ignorant

To my undying frustration you are failing miserably. Your observations are meek, and your conclusions are inhuman. If you're serious. I'm going to ask you a series of questions, and I want you to take them very seriously. Really think before replying to each of them.

1. Did you notice the hypocrisy in saying Light loves his family, only to claim he should kill anyone who stands in his way. His father was standing in his way from the start, and his sister was an obstacle in his path at one point. If the "greater good" is a valid excuse, you should be arguing that he should have killed her. Instead of defending his humanity with the fact that he didn't. Otherwise your ideology is inconsistent.

2. Light does not approve of Kira's methods when he can't remember having the Death Note. Why was this included in the story?

3. Do you think every person accused of a crime is guilty?

4. Do you believe a person who steals food to survive deserves to die?

5. If Light's actions were not wrong, why did he have to hide from the public and the police. When's the last time a truly righteous person operated in complete secrecy? Martin Luther King wasn't afraid to go to jail for what he believed in. If he's so sure of his rightness, then why not reveal himself toward the end when he says "everyone" loves Kira. Then the people would protect him from the police right? Since he's their beloved leader.


Sorry that I am laughing at how mad you are becoming for my opinions. Calm down with your insults because those who throw them show their loss. Behave like a normal human being or don't react.

It's funny how you say he has all the things I have not and that's why I 'idolize' him. You are too deep into this. The ideas of deleting the bad can only be countered by the bad theirselves.

We can only talk about what we see and observe. The anime has decided that it did indeed happen since Kira came. That's all we KNOW. And okay, even if you are right, even IF it isn't ALL because of Kira. Then still ALOT is by Kira. And that is important. It isn't about numbers, it's about facts: Since Kira came, the world became a better place for the good people. And the good do NOT live in fear: they know they are GOOD, that they wouldn't do anything BAD, so they live in peace. The only ones in fear are the BAD. And what do you prefer? The bad killing people and commiting crimes or the bad doing nothing in fear?

And for the last time HITLER KILLED GOOD PEOPLE. KIRA DIDN'T. Kira didn't go around and kill all black people just because they are black, or all gay people because they are gay. Hitler selected good people to die. Kira selected bad people to die. What is so hard understanding this? Kira didn't want ONE RACE to be superior to all others. He wanted huminaty as one become peaceful. He became crazy because he couldn't achieve this.

1. Doesn't that show that he does have feelings? He chose to let his sister live because he loves her, EVEN if for HIM it would be better, as KIRA, not as Light, for her to die. There are limits to the sky and Light's sister was the limit, he couldn't kill her.

2. It would be real smart for him to say he approves Kira to everyone right? That would definitely help him out of his situation. Light is Kira, Kira is Light. It's not like he is a different person once he has the notebook. His idea's remain the same. He probably also was very confused with the situation and didn't know what was going on - all the people around him were against Kira, including his father - he had no choice but to think Kira isn't good. Little kids pick up things from around them. They get teached things certain ways and believe it is right. That might have been the case to the very confused Light who had no idea what was going on. Follow the others. But I don't think that was entirely the case - in his heart Kira was there, he couldn't say it.

3. No, most of the times evidence is provided though and if not then there's still a tiny amount of chance that person is not guilty - should they be the reason the bad can't be removed? Although I understand your point - innocent people can be killed. I don't think the show included that idea though, I never have seen a criminal that wasn't guilty been killed.

4. Where is the limit for you? Only food? If that person steals a watch, just to sell for money, is it still okay? If that person threathens with murder, is it still okay? I think that everyone should have enough food to survive. I know what your point is - do they deserve to be killed because they steal to SURVIVE. No, I don't think so. Does that mean, that again, because of them, this world can't be the way Kira wants it to be? No, I think it is clear who commited what crime and if it people did it for the mere reason of surviving - don't kill them. Simple enough. Let me ask you a quick question though - what do you think of a world with only good people and without the bad? A world of peace? Does that sound good to you?

5. The public did like him - however not so much to give their lifes for him. They supported him - that's all. They knew that if they didn't do anything wrong, they won't be killed. The police is simply against murder. Kira murders. The police believes in human equality (at least, that's how it's supposed to be) and so a criminal is still as human as a good person. Because they go by that they simply can't allow Kira. And as long as society is that way, Kira would never be allowed, because the bad are allowed to live. Hell, even murder doesn't Always give jail sentence for life.. as Light said, a rotten world.

Off this discussion though, I like how you mentioned Light's father was his problem. What if he wasn't a son of him? Would he ever be accused? Would someone ever think of Light being Kira if he wasn't to be the son of someone from the police?


Sorry that I am laughing

Then this conversation has taken a wrong turn. Because you're the joke.


I am laughing for you not being able to accept my opinion - let me tell you something joker - you will never be able to change it. This is the way I think and I think it's right, if you don't then good for you and I don't care. You are going mad because I don't accept your opinion.


Yeah, the thing is - It can't be changed because you're stupid

Do you know why things like racism and homophobia are generally looked down on now? Because the people arguing for them do not have persuasive arguments, on an intellectual level. They don't have anything going for them, so they go "that's the way it is, it's my opinion and you can't change it" even though the rest of the country has changed around them - because those people can understand where they were wrong. You're stubborn because you're not smart enough to change your mind. That doesn't make me mad, that makes you sad.

And I don't say this because you think Light is right. I mean, f--k you for that, sure - but I say this because you act like the show portrays Light as right, when it does the exact OPPOSITE of that. So as far as I can tell, only an idiot would be unable to pick up the clues the show was putting down. That confession scene, is not the scene of a righteous and dignified man. His actions are not the actions of a righteous or dignified man, his attitude is malignant, and his moves dangerous. Liking Light makes you psychopath - period


Your personal attacks make it even more clear to me that I am dealing with a very angry and mad person. Why are you taking this discussion so personal?

By the way, if this discussion was Dutch, I would have been able to express my thoughts much easier. While my English isn't necessarily bad, I can't provide you with all the ideas I have simply because my vocabulary isn't fully developed (yet).

The idea of someone being able to drop the rate of crimes 70% sounds wonderful to me. Hell - it even says in the description of this anime - '' An intelligent high school student goes on a secret crusade to eliminate criminals from the world after discovering a notebook capable of killing anyone whose name is written into it. ''
THAT IS his goal. eliminating criminals so the world is a safe place. it says in the f-ing description.

What did he do wrong? Kill some innocent people, like the officers wife. But she was going to ruin his plan to safe this world. That doesn't make her completely innocent. See, you might think whatever you want from me but when a crime rate drops 70% I know that that is positive. Why does the police and co like L. and Near oppose that? Simply because they don't like the idea that one notebook can do so much more than they ever did. And that they know that if this notebook is being used jail would be useless and police would be alot less important.

Yes, the 70% drop crime rate is fantasy LIKE THIS WHOLE SHOW IS. So i don't care if it's realistic or not. it is WHAT HAPPENED in the show.

That confession scene - that happened after he became crazy. Because of the power and because of the misunderstanding why people are against it. He became crazy - god of the new world goes too far, I agree. But the idea of Kira - justice - seems very appealing to me.


Your opinion doesn't matter to me at this point. I didn't even read it.


Ok buddy. I'm sorry that you attack me personally because of my different opinion.


I don't think you understand. You're on my ignore list now. You're of no interest to me.


Godwin's Law never fails...



You can't rush a chemical reaction or it'll fail. Pacifying a society can't be made by force because you'll end up with only a fake version of peace.


I know he's super creepy and evil but that just make him a really unique protagonist.It's kinda like Breaking Bad.

He is a evil mastermind.


Villain protagonist. That's a rare idea for a young-adult show. I don't think you could do that in America. Some of our best stories do seem to be about bad guys.


Shut up. I am so sick of you uneducated bigots who open your mouths about things that you barely *beep* understand. I am diagnosed with anti-social personality disorder, which translates to being a psychopath. We are incapable of empathizing with others, we are not incapable of love. In fact we love with our whole entire being, in a way unbeknownst to you. So shut the *beep* up and educate yourself.


I think if he were to educate himself, he wouldn't learn anything like what you just said. I just looked up "anti-social personality disorder" to humor you, and nowhere does it even suggest that a person inflicted with the condition can "love with their whole entire being." It requires a "casual disregard for the safety, feelings, or rights of others" with a "lack of remorse" a penchant for "deception" and "incapacity to maintain enduring relationships." As well as a propensity towards violence and a willingness to blame others for their problems and faults. Clearly all of this would make falling in love a virtual impossibility. Especially since the most basic foundation of love is empathy.

There's also a (admittedly) debatable distinction between ASPD and Psychopathy.

So it's ironic to say "educate yourself" if you're just going to say things that don't appear to be true upon closer inspection. If you can love someone without caring about what happens to them, I'd love to hear how that's possible.


Light is so good. Light Yagami. He is so intelligent, really good guy. Smart, dreams of a world with no bad guys. chases bad/annoying people. He only kill a few innocent ones because people are wanting to catch ihm.


He only kill a few innocent ones because people are wanting to catch ihm.

Oh, well clearly that's okay then... 


He was the God the world didn't want but needed.


I mean if a whiny entitled bitter baby is your idea of a god then sure


If someone who takes justice to their own hands and knows right from wrong then Light's not to blame, you're the whiny one.


Didn't Light Yagami say that there have been no wars in the 6 years he's been Kira and that crime globally has gone down 70%?

United States Harry Truman is still liked even though he agreed to use 2 atomic bombs against the Japanese people. Such a decision helped end the Pacific theater of WWII but also was a main factor that led to the Cold War, nuclear arms races, North Korea being a threat, Pakistan being a threat, etc.

The latent causes of faction are thus sown in the nature of man [...] views
