No Longer on Netflix US

I was just watching it last night, went to watch today and it's gone.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to keep watching?


Same thing happened to me, but it's on Hulu. I wish Netflix would have some sort of notice when their TV shows are about to expire...


They do have a notice. When you click on the show (before picking which episode) it will say at the bottom of the screen if it's expiring soon. But anyway you could always buy it on DVD or bluray lol. Or just use an anime streaming site like animeultima.


it will say at the bottom of the screen if it's expiring soon.

It doesn't always show up on the screen. There was no indication when I was watching the show.


I feel this is one of the few series you just *should* own on dvd though. You can find it used for reasonable prices, especially considering the quality.


I am pretty sure the series is in Youtube.


Spoof your ip and watch it form the south Korea netflix :)


Still on Netflix UK too. Just finished the last episode.


I should be back on Netflix. Just finished it today.


Its on there. Just watched it.

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