Funny enough, at first I put on The Princess and The Frog ,(they adore princesses) and then I put Ponyo on they went nuts! I had to play Ponyo at leat six times that one day. However, I wasn't that surprised, because when I let them watch Sprited Away they also enjoyed that very much. Too bad i'm not allowed to show them Spirited Away anymore, because my mother believes that is is too frightening for them, which I have to admit is a little scary for their age group. Maybe they are picking up on one of my favourite movie genres: foreign films. Which also lead me believe that my mother wanted my sisters to be geared towards Disney films, instead of towards Hayao Miyazaki's Japanese animation. Oh, well.
I don't blame your mother for feeling that way especially if your sisters are that young. Have you shown them My Neighbour Totoro? I bet ur mum won't have much prob with that one. Totoro may be a 'monster' but he's as gentle as can be and much less frightening than any Disney villain imo. Totoro and Kiki's Delivery Service are my abso-favourite Miyazaki films.
Wow, the exact same thing happened with my three year-old sister! I lost count of how many times she watched it the first day, but it was probably somewhere around six as well.
She also adores My Neighbour Totoro and Howl's Moving Castle. For some reason, Spirited Away and The Cat Returns don't hold her interest at the same level.
I'm hoping to make a total nerd of my sister when it comes to video games and anime.
Lucky sisters! You're mom should be grateful your enriching their imaginations in that way. Don't forget that Disney & Pixar also make quality animations so it's hard not to lose.
I've really got to disagree with you there, and Hayao Miyazaki would certainly disagree as well. In fact he was inspired to make this movie after seeing The Little Mermaid.
Not true. The inspiration was Andersen's story, not Disney's movie. Miyazaki does not like Disney very much.
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Just sharing my experience. I find it weird that parents these days are soo PG. I remembered when I was much younger (I am in my twenties at the moment) when I used to watch Jaws, Never Ending Story, Fern Gully The Last Rain Forest, etc. and some horror...
I don't know, as a kid, yes, those frightened me but NOT to that extent kids these days gets frightened supposedly. For me back then, it was what kept me coming back. Not because I felt frightened but I experienced all kinds of emotional thrill. I was enthralled by the visuals for one and then the story, if they were simple enough to understand.
I think, imo, as kids these days, learning from my nieces, they are so innocent and receptive to what adults say that, for example, just because the School says do not watch this they will not - at least some kids. My nieces for one has stopped watching certain films with me now as opposed to before when we used to watch stuff that most people would think scary....
I don't know. People are different but I don't have anything I could remember from my childhood which really frightened me THAT bad when I was a kid. I remembered when Jurassic came out and one of my oldest cousins wanted me to watch it initially with her and co but changed her mind. Some years later but not that far from the film's release, I saw the film with my younger brothers and we weren't scared or anything.... I don't know.... Plus there is The Witches which was scary but NOT THAT SCARY. I really loved it sooo much as a kid! I watched it again and again.
I am talking about kids and not toddlers btw. 6+ at most.
I'm with you. I grew up on movies like Predator, Alien, and The Thing. My parents had no problem with me watching those movies because they actually took the time to talk to me about them and explain what is and isn't real, ie: Aliens hunting you, not real. Handling a gun, very real and very dangerous.
I think now parents just want to plop their kids in front of a tv and not worry about teaching them fiction vs reality.