Hathaway series

Please, oh please, let there be a Hathaway series next! It would be such a shame to leave the franchise at Morse, Lewis, and the still unfinished pre-quel Endeavour. Please, may the powers-that-be grant us a Hathaway!


If there were to be a Hathaway series, I hope Whately could also return for at least one episode to finish Lewis' storyline.


It was all they could do to get Laurence Fox to return for Series and 9. He was done with it before then, so I don't think he'll be back any time soon.


So sorry to hear that. I think he's the best part of the team, and I'd love to see it continue.

btw, can you provide a link or point us to where/when Fox said he was "done with it"?


No news yet on Endeavour, and unlikely to be so for a good few months yet.

It may well be finished.

Don't get me wrong, I hope not - but it'll have to end sometime. My guess is that it'll be Colin Dexter who decides when to call time. He still has such a big influence on it that when he thinks it's gone as far as it can without totally re-writing the Morse back story he'll pull the plug.

But I really don't see a Hathaway series coming.


Colin Dexter won't really care will he? He gets a sackful of cash for the estate for doing nothing more than giving the OK. What a perfect (and well deserved) position to be in. Once he passes on the estate will want to make hay whilst the sun shines surely? Children and grandchildren will never pass up on the opportunity that a new TV series brings (more books / DVDs sold) and then people catch up on the older stuff if they like it enough.

As for Laurence. Well I suppose it depends on how his career goes, post the Billy Piper divorce that is imminent. There might come a point where the idea of doing a Hathaway series is a good option. I hope he s successful with his career...but not too successful.... if you know what I mean.



And I spoke too soon....

There is a 4th series of Endeavour commissioned, with filming due to start in late spring/summer. At least according to Roger Allam. I've not seen anything official.


Hathaway could be on the team investigating the paedophile scandal that was sealed for 50 years on "Endeavour."

remember: tv is called PROGRAMMING, items of news are STORIES


I also love Hathaway, but if he were in a series of his own, he'd need a non-intellectual foil, and yet someone whom he respects, IOW someone just like Lewis. He's too dry to operate on his own. He needs an earthy, ordinary partner to highlight his rarefied intelligence and standoff-ish-ness. Just like the cool, calm Spock needed the brash, lusty, obnoxious James Kirk.


And the overly emotional Dr McCoy. Yes, I agree. If Larry Fox is done with it, as they say, then could we not have a similar series with another lead? I'd like more, please, Mr Dexter!


I adore Laurence Fox and hope he decides he's not yet done with Hathaway. Or if he is done, I hope he does more work that gets released in the US. We don't see nearly enough of him; that goes for the rest of the Fox family, too.


As others have written, Laurence has opted out every time Kevin has shown an inkling of desire to retire. He apparently adores Kevin, and like some of us, has seen his portrayal of Lewis as the beating heart of Morse and Lewis.

Laurence has publically over-shared the deep sadness of his divorce during his recent singing appearances, telling the audiences that his life is in shambles. He sounds like a man at sea, clinging to a rudderless, oarless, storm-driven lifeboat.

It isn't even necessary to seek the information because British papers are just as good at throwing broken hearts onto their front pages, as we Americans are in doing the same with any of our favorites when they are hurt or injured.

Emotionally, from a selfish standpoint, I would love to watch an Inspector Hathaway series with a strong Lewis-like sargeant. Wow! Robbie was very strong in the Dead of Jericho when he met Morse. He did not take any flack with the BS Morse like to toss out at lesser ranks.

Realistically? I feel very sad for the young Fox family members and when I think of Laurence, I ask God for tender mercies to be sent his way because - from his own words - it sounds like his heart is in need of deep comfort.

A Checkered Life speaks of myriad diverse adventures being the rewards of endless curiosity.


I'm very surprised that Freddie Fox has not become a star here in the U.S. Does he hold out from jobs in the sci-fi/CGI adolescent genre? If so, all the more reason his reputation as an actor should be greater. He was on Inspector Lewis a few seasons back.
