An old game named "Mamba", with a mysterious past, falls into the hands of a group of students. After a good day of surf and a celebration interrupted by a storm, curiosity leads the group of young people to play although they do not know anything on it; neither its sinister origin, nor its inherent powers. The young people who lost in the game begin to suffer horrible deaths. One after another they start dying in strange circumstances.
The survivors, terrified, are able to learn that these deaths are related to the game and its malignant force: "Those that participate in the game and lose will die; those that are able to win will be able to request a wish".
Jason (Mike Vogel), the young North American who found the game and unconsciously introduced it between its friends, decides that he must risk his own life to undo the course of the game and to save his friends.
In this task he will be accompanied by Erica (Eliza Dushku) a beautiful surfer girl that he've just met and that he has fallen in love. Jason and Erica play again to try to win and to recover their friends through the wish that Mamba grants.
A vibrating fight against the game and the local detective (who is trying to recover the game whatever the cost, cause he wants to obtain his wish) takes place.
Erica, that is not what pretends, loses and she faces her inevitable destiny. The survivor will be Jason, and he will finally confront... MAMBA!
And here you have more info (also with SPOILERS):
- Everybody in the movie die after playing with Mamba, including Érica.
- The game always grants a wish to the only survivor of the game, in this case is Jason, so the wish that he requests is to return to the beginning for playing avoiding his friends' deaths.
- There will be a spectacular scene in which a bus has an accident (with many speciales effects) and another one in which one of the friends loses playing and is devoured by tens of crabs.
And here...a picture of MAMBA!
Sounds GREAT. This could either end up being very bad or REALLY, REALLY good.