I watched it. . . . .

I love Eliza Dushku, she is the reason i watched this movie. But this movie just sucked. Eliza was the best part about it, best looking and best acting, but her acting was mediocre in this. this movie had cheezy special effects and cheezy dialouge. 4/10.

Dollhouse Season 2 Fridays @ 9pm on Fox


It was an independent film and i think her acting was great given the material she was given to work with.Making movies takes money, even low budget Indie films.I think the special effects and dialogue served their purposes well enough.People are always talking about something that they can't do or saying that they can do better.Well i'd like to see them even get a speaking part in a movie that others will see, or write a movie script,direct a movie or come up with the funds to pay actors and the cost of making the movie. If you can show me any of those things then I will think you're qualified to talk about mediocre acting or cheezy special effects and dialogue.


so uh. . . youve never given a bad critique to a movie? just wondering, because it sounds like youre making yourself into a hypocrite. just because a movie is independent with a low budget doesnt mean it has to suck. thats all im saying.

"Dollhouse" returns to FOX January 2010.


You prove my point that you are a nobody who has no life and you feel better about yourself by saying bad things about people who are doing something with their's.You waited four months because you had nothing better to do and come and call me a hypocrite just because I didn't agree with your opinion. I'm mot a hypocrite. I'm an actress who does live theater performances and went to a specialty high school where theater was my major, and I'm now in college getting a BFA in Acting. And Independent films do suck sometimes. I'm just saying that they work with a different budget and that I believe her acting was fine given the material, resources and other actors and actresses she had to work with. Givem my experience on film, live play performances and not to mention all of my training I think I am qualified to state my opinion just like you.
