Weird title

Is anyone else struck by what a weird title Naissance des Pieuvres is?! It translates as 'Birth of the Octupuses'! Can anyone tell me if that has any more meaning in French?


yeah i thought it was strange too, but seeing as i have to do a presentation on the film i tried to analyse it, so...
- octopuses can refer to many legs - there's a scene where marie goes under water and watches the synchro girls, and their legs are all doing the same thing and look quite like tenticles
- birth is like how the girls are going through adolescence and becoming women, discovering who they really are etc; they are like blossoming flowers (waterlilies!)
- synchronised swimming is meant to be a metaphor for adolescence in the film, so whilst 'octopuses' mainly relates to synchro, 'birth' is the part that relates the synchro to puberty
hope that makes sense...!



No idea, but I did notice that at the very end, Marie and Anne are lying flat on the water, eight limbs out - octopus? Probably just par hasard.
