I did enjoy this film, I'll add that to start off with, but hardly any of it passed without "wtf?" on the tip of my tongue. I've read a few (professional) reviews and tried Wikipedia to no avail so I'd be grateful if you could either provide factual answers or your own opinions to a number of questions. Although obviously you don't have to answer them all. Also, just so you know, Marie is the main character, Anne is the ugly friend, Floriane is the attractive one and Francois is the guy who sleeps with Anne. So,
1) Was Marie 'all there'? I mean shyness/reservedness is one thing but standing staring blankly into space even when someone has just asked you a question ie. showing no sign of even having heard them is another.
2)Was Floriane actually a lesbian or just curious or just 'revolting'?
3)How the hell did Marie get into a night club? She looked about 12. Or are the rules in France different?
4)What was the conclusion to the nightclub scene all about? Floriane picks up this guy and goes to his car, starts kissing him in the car, but then in a move which I presumed was based on jealousy Marie comes and interupts them then Floriane and Marie run off together laughing. Others have suggested that Floriane was trying to lose her virginity but then chickened out but its very obviously Marie who stops her from driving off with the guy, then they laugh together like it was a practical joke.
5)Is it usual practice in France to bury your bras in the gardens of people you fancy?
6)Did Floriane have sex with Francois prior to him having sex with Anne? Its possible that she lied to Marie to protect her feelings and its possible that Francois lied to Anne because he was in fact some sort of nymphomaniac
7)Did Francois really have sex with Anne? When it first happened I presumed it was a fantasy in Anne's head. (Then again it wasn't exactly a fantasy shag was it? What with the heavy handed groping)
8)Where were their parents?? In particular Marie's. She was out at all times of night and in some pretty seedy places.
9)Was Anne on a syncronised swimming team too? Towards the end of the film she suddenly seemed to join a team (the ones in blue)
10)Am I the only one who liked Floriane for the duration of the film? I mean, it was hard to know who to like and it would be interesting to know who the director anticipated the audience would sympathise with but the feel on this board seems to be that people think Floriane was a bit of a manipulative b**ch who used Marie and threw her away at the end of the film. I quite like her.
11)What happened after the credits rolled? Did that shot of Marie and Anne back together, friends again, signify that their relationship was back to where it had been at the beginning of the film? Did the passionate kiss between Marie and Floriane followed by Floriane leaving Marie to go back to the party (and the boys) signify a parting kiss? That they were 'breaking up'?
I can see that this is a rather large, overwhelming post and I might not get any replies at all but if you have a response to any of the questions I'd appreciate your thoughts. Thanks
1) I believe so. She was just shy and overwhelmed by her feelings for Floriane. I thought she was just one of those people who occupied under the philosophy of, "If you can't think of anything correct to say, don't say anything." Floriane was quite overpowering company, as well, especially considering Marie's feelings for her, so it was realistic to a certain extent that Marie would be star struck around her. Marie was also more talkative in the scenes with Anne, so I'm fairly sure she was 'all there', as you put it.
2) The film never makes this overly clear, but I assumed that it was less to do with being "gay" or "straight" and more to do with how comfortable Floriane felt around Marie. I always had the feeling that she was 'fundamentally straight' (if there is such a thing) and was experimenting with Marie because she was somebody she felt comfortable around and didn't have to please. For example, when Floriane is on the brink of losing her virginity to François, she never mentions not being attracted to him. She's just worried about him finding out that she's not the slut everybody thinks she is. She tells Marie - on the subtitles - that "you do it, you'll make it okay," or something. I assumed this wasn't to do with a particular attraction towards Marie or a lack of attraction towards François. She just wanted Marie, someone she cared about (and who cared about her), not like one of the sleazy men she'd probably pick up at a nightclub, to "take care of it" for her.
3) According to Yahoo! Answers, the legal age in France for nightclub entry is still eighteen. But if you look eighteen, you can get in, depending on the bar staff. So it's possible that Marie got in because of having Floriane - who looked older and could have passed for eighteen - beside her. Agreed, Marie did look too young to be let in, but who knows what happened?
4) That was very confusing to me as well. I assumed that Marie stopped the sexual encounter out of jealousy and Floriane was grateful -- laughing and hugging Marie -- because she didn't want to lose her virginity after all and wasn't ready for sex. So it was a kind of "lucky escape" for Floriane. But I'd like to hear others' perspective on this, because I'm not sure.
5) I definitely don't think so. One review I read called it an "attempt to cast a love spell." That's possible, given that Anne was kind of immature and lived in a fantasy/fairytale world. She seemed like a girl who would try and cast a love spell on a boy she liked.
6) No, I'm pretty sure not. I got the impression that Floriane was honest when she told Marie that she didn't sleep with him. Plus, although I liked Floriane, I got the impression that she was quite a selfish character who wouldn't lie to preserve Marie's feelings, not when she'd already told her (Marie) of her intentions to sleep with him. I also thought that François went to Anne because of Floriane's rejection. As I've stated several times, I don't think Floriane was ready for sex and she hid it in a fear about François finding out that she was still a virgin. Thus, she rejected him and went to Marie, while François went to Anne.
7) No, I don't think that was a fantasy. Although it brings up lots of other questions - how did François know where she lived, etc.? - I think he was just frustrated from having Floriane reject him so many times that he went to see Anne, who was clearly in love with him and he probably thought would be quite easy to manipulate. She seemed to want to kiss him (remember how she told Marie that she was "behind" in that department?) but he just wanted to gain full on gratification from groping her. There was nothing fantastical about that sequence. Anne wasn't a realist like Floriane or to a certain extent Marie, so that wasn't how she'd imagine an encounter with François if she was making it up.
8) That was a more stylistic technique than anything by the filmmakers, I think, to involve us in the lives of the girls and focus solely on them and their story. (Also, it allowed Marie and Floriane to go pretty much wherever they wanted, so it had practical upsides as well.)
9) She was, although this seems like a bit of a plot hole. She was there in the beginning (when Marie first saw Floriane), she was shown getting dressed in the changing room near the beginning and she told Marie about the swimming party that was going on, but I don't remember her at any of the other competitions or events. In addition to this, Marie told Floriane that she needed "someone to get [her] in." If Anne was on the swimming team, then Marie wouldn't need Floriane to help her, would she? Or was this just Marie's way of getting close to Floriane? Then again, I got the impression that Anne wasn't very popular in the swim team - from the sceptical way Marie asked her if she had been invited to the party - so maybe that was it?
10) I liked her. She was manipulative in places and I don't think she genuinely cared for Marie in the way Marie cared for her, but I liked her more than Marie and Anne. I was a little confused about her portrayal, though; I couldn't figure out if we were supposed to like her or dislike her, and I had no idea whether she cared for Marie or not. I kept expecting there to be some kind of nasty "Carrie"-esque prank involved especially when Floriane invited Marie to her house, but no.
11) It's up to your interpretation. I think (personal interpretation) that Marie and Anne both jumping into the pool was a sign of carthasis and that they were cleansing themselves of the childish things that they had been involved in before: for Marie, it would be Floriane; for Anne, it would be François. I don't think Marie and Floriane's relationship would have carried on past the kiss. For me, that was the moment that Marie really admitted that she was a lesbian and was now at peace with it and her hormonal emotions that had drawn her towards Floriane. Thus, she had no more need of Floriane. For Floriane, there would always be somebody else - I found the last shot of her, still dancing with the others, to be a sign that, although Anne and Marie would change, Floriane wouldn't. Although I think the friendship between Anne and Marie was going to continue past the end shot, I don't think their friendship would ever be the same as it was before. An interesting point that someone else brought up was, although the film is called "Water Lilies" in English, the French title literally translates to "The Birth of Octopuses." So the ending shot - of Marie and Anne in the pool - was the sign that they, joined together to resemble an octopus as they were, were going to continue their friendship, but reborn as adults, not children.
All my personal interpretation; if I've made a mistake somewhere, feel free to correct it .
A few things I wanted to add to these very sincere questions and very well-put answers:
8) Many coming of age/bildungsroman/teen-angst movies deliberately choose to minimize the presence of adults, even to the point that it seems weird. I suspect that the filmmakers made this choice for the reasons you mentioned, but also in part to play up the feelings of isolation and misunderstanding that teens go through -- that their world and their concerns are separate from those of adults.
9) Anne was also on a synchronized swimming squad. In keeping with her character as immature, she was shown near the beginning in the midst of a group of younger swimmers, all wearing matching uniforms. This suggested to me that Anne was either unwilling or unable (not skilled enough) to be part of a more mature, more talented squad like Floriane's. She was very much "second string".
10) I liked and felt sorry for Floriane. I think it was obvious she cared for Marie, but was so confused about her sexuality that she didn't know what she wanted. She seemed very open to intimacy with Marie -- I found myself hoping Marie would make a move long before she did, and when Marie finally did DO SOMETHING about her unrequited love, Floriane as much as said, "well it's about time" (the subtitles said something to the effect of "that wasn't so hard now, was it?).
11) I think these interpretations are spot on. Floriane is in some ways the least mature of the three. Anne is almost as bad...she thinks she knows what she wants, but when she gets it, she finds she was mistaken. Marie knows what she wants but doesn't know what to do about it, and ultimately finds that she is in a more mature place than Floriane when she finally does do something.
10) I didn’t dislike Floriane. As she told Marie, guys just seem to come on to her, but women don’t like her. She thought Marie was lucky not to have men constantly trying to get in her pants. Floriane has learned how to manipulate her would be suitors.
11) I’d like to think that Marie remained friends with both Anne and Floriane. Maybe Marie became a sort of white knight for Floriane, constantly saving her from herself. I don’t believe Marie and Floriane would ever become a real couple; Floriane is very much into her role as the straight alpha femme.
Anne was also on a synchronized swimming squad. In keeping with her character as immature, she was shown near the beginning in the midst of a group of younger swimmers, all wearing matching uniforms. This suggested to me that Anne was either unwilling or unable (not skilled enough) to be part of a more mature, more talented squad like Floriane's. She was very much "second string".
Yes! Thank you for clearing this up for me. This makes a lot of sense.
Sorry I didn't say thanks earlier but I haven't had much time for imdb of late. Anyway, I feel like now would be a good time to rewatch the film. Should it understand it better this time too.
so i was watching this on megavideo, without subtitles, and i dont understand french, but i could still understand the majority of the movie and enjoy it as well.
but the only thing i was confused about was the scene where floriane and marie are in floriane's bedroom i believe, and floriane gets in bed and takes her pants off and then marie lays down beside her. floriane then starts to cry. that scene confused me as well as the scene before it when the two were in the locker room i didnt know what they were saying and maybe that would help with leading into this scene...? and then the boy comes to her house and marie leaves.
Basically, Floriane was being pressured into having sex by the boy but she didn't want him to know that she was still a virgin. So she asked Marie to "take it away from her".
I'm not sure what scene from the locker room you're talking about.
#5) Definitely yes! It is part of the mystique of the French, which I may indeed spend my entire life until I die (that's a tad redundant, sorry...) without understanding the first bloody thing about them...
ILOVEtrading films!I've got a HUGE..uh..collection!Please ask!
1. Marie played a typical girl who's not "with the crowd" (the swim / water polo crowd in this case) and played it very realistically. She's also showing some signs of depression if you look for it carefully.
2. I believe Floriane is bi; more than just curious.
3. It's way different in France than in the US. The US is a very litigious society so bars and clubs need to be extra careful; it's not uncommon to see them card a 70 year old.
4. It looks like a scene may have been edited out? We have to analyze the scene in retrospect after the incident - appears that the guy was a loser in the eyes of Floriane and not worthy of losing her virginity to. Marie therefore becomes Floriane's knight in shining armor.
5. Yes
6. I do not believe Francois had sex with Floriane at all. Floriane is a tease when it comes to her male associations. She'll only go so far with a man, leaving him with blue balls. This is verified when Francois comes over for the "night alone" with Floriane, which obviously didn't materialize into what Francois wanted; hence, he's not going home without getting some and so off he goes to find an 'easy' solution -- Anne.
7. Yes. See above. Francois only wanted one thing, which is relatively "normal" for a teenage jock. However, unlike Floriane, Anne isn't attractive enough for him to even kiss during that first time, nor does Francois want Anne as a girlfriend either; just a sex machine. Francois needs to protect his image, just as Floriane is doing.
8. Floriane's parents obviously kept tabs. Anne appears to be a single child with just her mum, to whom works nights and probably a day job as well. Unknown about Marie's parents, but we can probably assume it's a similar single parent situation to whom the parent is working like mad.
9. Anne is the coach of the younger team. Anne and Floriane probably started very early on in life, but had progressed drastically different. Anne wasn't very good in action but instead of being canned, she was 'promoted' to coach for the little girls as she had enough knowledge. Nonetheless, it's ironic, as the whale she is, she's actually far more athletic than Marie is.
10. I enjoyed Floriane as she appeared to be a realistic representation of one who is bi, and puts up a front simply to satisfy the demands of a status quo. In this case, she cannot afford to have a reputation as a lesbian. And with that I believe it is why she continues to have flirtations with the male crew so as to build a huge firewall where it allows Floriane to have female "companionship" without being exposed. Unfortunately for Floriane, females are put off by her period, so it was an excellent opportunity to have Marie come to her.
11. I do not believe Marie 'broke up' with Floriane or the other way around. Marie was too strongly bonded to Floriane and is caught in a viscous cycle of "abuse" where she cannot have Floriane's total mind, soul, and body. With that said, Marie now knows how to take initiative in a relationship so it's possible she could find another female to take interest in, but I don't see that happening right away. Perhaps one idea is that Marie hooks up with another female swim team member, but Marie only does it to incite rage from Floriane.
I would implore the director to have a followup to this movie with the same actors if possible.