anti-hetero themes?

I'm not sure what the proclivities of the director is, but there were a couple of disturbing aspects of this film.

First is the scene where Floriane is eating the banana and the other swim girl makes some comments. She asks Floriane if she has "crossed over the other side" referring to Floriane having a male/female relationship. It seems to me unlikely that estrogen-laden young females would view a typical het relationship as undesirable, unless the entire swim team is some lesbian cabal.

Second is Anne spitting in the mouth of Franscois. That was pretty gross.

Third the little stick girl (Marie) was ultra-creepy. She always seemed to have a unemotional, blank stare.

Any type of male/female interaction in this film was put forth as grotesque.



I interpreted "crossed over the other side" to mean that Floriane is regarded by her swim team mates as no longer a virgin - as everyone mistakenly thinks she is a huge slut.

In terms of the spitting in the mouth, I saw that as Anne showing that she knew Francois only elected to sleep with her because Floriane had rejected him. Thankfully, she wasn't going to allow him to use her again.

As for Marie, I found it amazing that the actress was able to convey so much emotion with so little dialogue. For example, the silent anguish she felt after she 'deflowered' Floriane and was unceremoniously ejected from Floriane's bedroom. Can you imagine!

I must say I didn't notice any overt anti-hetero perspective in the film...probably because I didn't see heterosexual relationships as the focus of the piece.





So I guess that means if a Jewish man makes a film about a Jewish couple, that means he hates Christians. What you're really saying is that if you take pride in or express anything that makes you different then that means you hate or are against anyone who doesn't share the same difference. Stop embarrassing yourself.


Wow you guys are jumping on him arent you? lol Okay um although hes a little quick to jump to the gun hes not wrong so let me play devil's advocate here.

One someone said they cant see how its anti hetero if it lack that type of relationship. Well thats false logic I mean if germans made an anti jew propaganda film without 1 jew in it does it cease to be anti jewish? Of course not because something can be both missing in a film and bashed on some level.

Second someone said what does the director being lesbian have to do with it. Well although i dont think her being lesbian automatically makes it anti hetero(that would just be silly) it is quite relevant. Her being lesbian has everything to do with a film with a lesbian theme its like if someone made a documentary about the ghettos in america and if the director was black and from the ghetto then that would have to do with his motivation to make the film for starters and could possibly make his view bias. Maybe even disrupt the process of making his film and make it inaccurate and emotionally charged to the point it could possibly portray certain presidents and/or white people as the villain(blaming cia for the drugs in the ghetto instead of taking responsibility for our own actions for example). So although you cant assume shes anti hetero(once again kind of silly) you know she doesnt like men and it could be a healthy preference she was born with or it could be a result of her own bad experiences or both and its these possible perceptions views and opinions that could explain certain tones in the film.

Fact is the little glimpses of heterosexual relationships we get in the film are portrayed in a grotesque way. The potential of the lesbian relationship is glorified and the pretty girl continuing her courting process with guys is portrayed as this ugly slutty fake thing ironically during a "coming of age story" where girls can be a little more confused about those sort of things. Between the stigma of exploring feminine hormones with the natural progress of desiring to develop sexually girls do tend to find exploring with other girls to be less intimidating. Also due to the fact that females are the most beautiful thing on this earth universally not just to men regardless of sexual orientation it can become even more confusing. Yet in this film a coming of age female showing genuine confusion is portrayed as the all to famous slut/villain that is all to common in more female P.O.V. coming of age films. Plus the im gay but i feel the need to play up to this false slutty persona seems pretty damn flimsy and could possibly<<keyword there folks be just a way to push the slutty/villain vibe she wants attached to the pretty girl who likes guys

Im not claiming to know its anti hetero like i said this was a little bit of devils advocating going on here but i did pick up on certain strong lesbian cliches and flimsy mechanism to manipulate our feelings. ANNNNNNddddddd you have to admit there sure as hell wasnt a GOOD vibe regarding heterosexuality going on

o and um one imdb user's sig says o no i wasnt grammatically correct now my whole argument is invalid<<or something to that effect lol i would change mines to that but i still like mines better

Oh great, now it's my dick that's killing me



Didn't see that in the film. It was clear, however, that Marie is very much gay, focusing all attention away from any boys. We saw this in a party scene where she totally avoids eye contact with a guy who was trying to check her out. Also, Marie doesn't seem interested in talking about boys or boy anatomy with Floriane either, which she would have if she was merely bi.

As for the "crossed over" to the other side, that merely suggests she has become a full fledged slut; sleeping with anyone (males at least) and everyone who asks the time of day. It's offensive to girls who have been brought up in a strict religious matter.


As others have said "the other side" referred to someone who'd "done it."

I thought Marie was adorable.

"Passion is just insanity in a cashmere sweater."

