Better with age?

There are plenty of movies that, upon initial release, receive a negative critical response, then years later become cult classics.
Will this be the case with The Informers?

DeMented Forever!


I think it will be better received with time, but only with a "cult following".
It's simply too nihilistic and dissolute for mainstream tastes and expectations.


I totally agree with you. Some people will never understand it and others like me - I watched it four times already - will probably turn it in a cult classic.


I guess we could call this the "Boondock Saints" syndrome.

If you don't believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig.


I loved the film. I think that many of the 'problems' with the film are actually misinterpretations of its strengths. This is another unfortunate film that gets reviewed for it ISN'T rather than what it IS.
