MovieChat Forums > The Informers (2009) Discussion > Who is Rain Turner? Amber Heard?

Who is Rain Turner? Amber Heard?

So if you've read Brett Easton Ellis' new novel Imperial Bedrooms much of it involves the narrator Clay casting actresses for his film The Listeners which is pretty obviously this film, and there is an actress at the heart of the new novel who is beautiful but talentless but who causes a lot of havoc in the novel. She is described as a generic blonde beauty who looks like so many other girls in Hollywood and yet has a sensuality that drives men wild.

I am no familiar with this actress haven't seen the film version of Informers yet although I read the book, so I'm curious if anyone who has seen the film and read Imperial Bedrooms thinks that Amber Heard fits the bill as a Rain Turner character.

In the book, Rain is campaigning for a role that seems like it's Christie but she ends up getting a bit part as the sister of the part she wants (Martina) and she is shown topless in the film and this is her main contribution according to Clay. Is there any other blonde actress here who is topless? Is there a sister character?
From reading the message boards, I see Amber is topless in the film,and she certainly fits the blonde beauty description of Rain, but I wonder if there is another blonde actress who might be Rain. Was Amber Heard ever linked to the author? In the book, Rain is linked to directors/producers/writers/anyone who can get ahead. I realize that Rain Turner might not have an actual real life counterpart, but since Ellis does so many things with Jamie Gertz and other real life people in his novels, that it feels like he's flirting with the reader daring us to guess who is Rain. Yes, he even mentioned IMDB in relation to her.

Can Amber Heard act? That would seem to be the key to see if Rain is based on her since Rain is said to be a horrible actress who ruins every scene she is in.



I made a joke on the BEE board in the "who should play rain?" thread about Amber playing her, but if you see the film, the real life odds that Rain was based on Amber aren't very good.
The sister in informers is never topless and actually makes a joke about Amber Heard being topless with a sarcastic "nice shirt" line and then amber says something to the effect of, "you too," because the sister is wearing an awful blouse.
The main reason why I don't think that it was amber was because the book is dedicated to R.T. and Bret admitted that the RT really was the initials of the person who "inspired" him for this book.
The way I read Rain was that she was an actress in her mid twenties who didn't have many big breaks, but when the informers was shot (07') amber was only 20 and she did have a good credit for that CW series Hidden Palms, and that Mandy Lane film as a starring role. It is funny that Amber has a credit for Criminal Minds and Rain had a credit for CSI.
Amber's myspace seems largely fake and doesn't play the fray, either.
They do both have blue eyes though, so, there's that.
Amber is very good in The Informers and in the movie version of her character, it demands a really good-looking, really blonde girl and she fits the part perfectly.
One thing that does support your theory is that Amber was one of the last actors cast for the film (billy bob, brandon routh, kim basinger, mickey were all already cast) and the last 2 were Amber and Chris Issac. Oh no, is Chris Issac Rain Turner?
One thing is for sure, if Amber Heard is Rain Turner, and there is some truth to the "casting couch" scenes, B.E.E. is the luckiest man alive.

my blog:


Rain Turner is Ashley Olsen. She left the project after some mess-up behind the scenes, which is when Heard got cast.


Since B.E.E. is gay, I thought maybe Rain Turner was a guy. I know Imperial Bedrooms must be more a work of his imagination, loosely based on the casting of The Informers, but now I want to know how much is real. It wouldn't make much sense for Rain to be Ashly Olsen since she's been famous since she was a baby and Rain's entire motivation for doing anything throughout the book was to be famous.

Can we agree that "Kevin Spacey's son" is Brad Renfro, just to resolve that small piece of information from the book? Another thing is that he establishes early in the book that Clay is not B.E.E. since Clay was an outside observer who wrote Less Than Zero, so maybe someone else attached to the movie in real life fell head over heels in love with some girl who never made it past casting in The Informers since it's pretty ambiguous whether Rain actually got a role in the book's film.
