How was Tim's father a Jerk?
Everbody has such disparaging remarks to say about him. He struck me as a man loved his son and was trying to set up a bond between the two of them. Heck, he paid for the two of them to travel all the way to Hawaii. Started off by trying to have a father son dating experience, and tried earnestly to win the affection of his son. Tim seemed to me to be a cold, unforgiving, and stubborn child. I found it bizarre that it is so easy for people to sympathize with someone writing off their own father. At the end of the day that was his pop, and his father should be in no way obligated to alter his entire personality because his son has an attitude problem. If he is obnoxious, or strange in his ways, he is the father, and Tim is son. Older people don't redefine themselves on the whims of children.
But that is not to say this movie didn't suck. Cause it did. (thought i'd throw that in there)