At what point did the cast realize they were in a crap movie?
While watching this movie I realized pretty early on that this was a truly awful film. I stuck around for a couple of reasons. 1) to see how many nude scenes they could squeeze out of Amber Heard (answer, a lot) and 2) to watch the performances of Rourke, Thornton and Basinger. And they did ok.
What I kept wondering is at what point did the actors realize they were in an awful film. Was it right away and they were already obligated so they had to tough it out? Did they think it might be good once it was all put together. The younger actors I can give them a pass. But the older guys had to know this was crap.
The direction and writing in this movie is as bad as any movie I've seen in a couple of years. The plot is aimless. None of the characters grow or experience anything interesting. The shock value scenes have no effect because there is no reason for them. You don't have any sense of fear or horror at Rourke's behavior because the director does nothing to set it up properly. Nobody cares about the love triangle (or whatever you'd call it) because at no point do you ever care about any of the characters.
I didn't read the book. Hopefully the book isn't as aimless as the movie. How anybody could like this movie is beyond me.