Seldom have I read such ignorant rambling as the stuff that you're spouting on this message board. The thought that some youngsters (especially young men) might believe you literally makes my hair stand on end. You are aware that your misinformation in this thread could result in dozens of new HIV infections, do you? Those are actual people, who will from that moment on have to rely on medication to prevent the HIV from progressing to full-blown AIDS, and who will have to be very careful for the rest of their lives not to accidentally spread it to anyone else (never have unprotected sex anymore, make sure they don't have bleeding gums before they kiss someone on the mouth, always be very careful when they have cuts, let people know immediately of their infection if they get into an accident, etc., etc.).
Yes, the chances of infection are greater when people are having anal sex, since bleeding is a lot more common when engaging in that form of sex. But are you seriously saying that you've never chafed your member during a hot and heavy "roll in the hay"? Or that women never have sex when they're having their period? Or that women never bleed during sex even when they are not having their period? Or that a guy who happens to have bleeding gums never goes down on a woman?
And those are only some examples I came up with from the top of my head involving the exchange of blood. But, as science has proven LONG ago, HIV can be transmitted through almost any type of bodily fluid. Which, ofcourse, you should know, seeing as you claim to be so interested in the science behind this matter (which I can only deduce to be a lie, seeing as the only science you seem to be aware of, is the "science" you googled when you were searching for stuff to back up your homophobic claims, and seeing as there are still "scientists" who continue to dispute the existence of the greenhouse effect, I'm sure there are also "scientists" who conduct studies aiming to confirm your views on this subject).
Also, in regard to your claim that the chances of infection during heterosexual sex are practically non-existent (0.1% for males engaging in vaginal sex I recall you wrote in one of your posts), have you taken into account that most people have sex more than once in their lifetime? Take an average of 3 times a week (which seems low to me, but apparently that's normal for a lot of folks), 52 weeks a year and multiply that with that 0.1% chance. Is the number you come up with still so insignificant?
Further more, I guess all those women in Africa who have died/are dying from the disease must have all been drug users according to your theories? How else could they have contracted the disease, seeing as they are not gay men? It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that rape is a very common occurance in those regions, because heterosexual contraction of the disease is practically non-existent. It also could not have anything to do with the fact that still a lot of misinformed/superstitious men believe that having sex with a virgin can cure you from the disease, because, once again, the chances of contracting it through heterosexual sex are soooooo slim. (/sarcastic mode off)
Mister firstwinsgop, your ignorance on this subject is truly sickening.
I emplore you, and anyone else who is reading this and is not sure whether they know all there is to know where it pertains to the spreading of this disease, to simply read the Wikipedia page about it. It's not hard to find, just google "AIDS Wiki" and it should be somewhere among the first search results.
Coming back to the movie, it's pretty clear that Christie was in the final stages of AIDS at the end of the movie. Though it typically takes 9-11 years for HIV to develop into AIDS, it can progress a lot faster depending on the strain contracted and the state of the immune system of the person who contracted it. It is not unheard of for people to start showing symptoms within a year after contraction. Seeing as Christie was a frequent drug user, it is not a stretch to assume that her immune system might have been impaired, explaining the rapid onset of symptoms.
I personally think it is great that this movie tried to bring AIDS to the attention of a whole new generation (though I think the message would have reached a lot more viewers if the movie had been better, but that's a whole other discussion). Recent studies have shown that a lot of adolescents/young adults hardly ever engage in safe sex anymore, even when it's just a one night stand, and even those who do, stop using a condom within 1-3 months into a relationship without getting themselves and their partner tested for STD's. If this trend continues, new HIV infections will most definitely become more frequent again in the years to come, especially if these adolescents/young adults have people like firstwinsgop in their vicinity who tell them they can't contract it from heterosexual sex...