A Halloween Disaster

Not only is this the worst Halloween movie ever made it is one of the worst films in general. It is meant to be a comedy with some ridiculous comedy horror involved. The movie goes back and forth and I know it is not to be taken seriously but is just plain ridiculous. A complete waste of time and nonsense. No gore, not even funny in comedy standards- it does not even deserve an R rating. A bunch of kids running around playing with pumpkins. Creepshow and Creepshow 2 were great comic book themed horror films- This movie also tried to use the comic book format which is like putting silk stockings on a pig.


This wasnt really meant to be a comedy. Its not slasher or gory horror, but its still in the horror genre for sure.


I don't agree. I'm not the horror fan in general but i still watch regularly most of the new outings and i found this one quite refreshing and original - apparently i've seen at least 320+ horror movies in my life for an average of 5.31/10 according to IMDb, so really not my fav' genre. Anyway.

In this one, I liked the werewolves/witch and Brian Cox's segment, Sam's "real" pumpkin head and his motivations were surprising and unexpected as for me. Have you ever seen a monster/killer/entity act and stop midway like that? Also, the way the stories are intertwined - Brian Cox at the window screaming for help seen from one side and then the other.

I didn't care much for the school principal or the prank segment, but i liked the non-chronological narrative, which i found clever - it takes all its meaning and power at the very end, when we understand what happened to the first couple.

All in all, no masterpiece, but much better than all the 3/10 and 4/10 i come across very often; all the elements mentioned above make the movie a 6/10 in my book, which is pretty good for a horror flick.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


It's not even a comedy you tit, your whole post is utterly stupid.

It was a very creative film with originality the fact you think it's a comedy makes your opinion irrelevant.


I've tried to watch it three times and never got beyond about 40 mins in.


Saying this is the worst Halloween movie, and one of the worst films in general, makes your post null and void. Any other comments from you will have to be considered suspect.


I give it 2.5 stars out of 5. It's not a bad little movie to watch on Halloween, though nowhere near as fun as Creepshow.
