The cliche' that put a tombstone on this movie...
The burning of the house(The younger and more irresponsible sister always f... it up)
The burning of the house(The younger and more irresponsible sister always f... it up)
Certainly. And everytime I want to smash in the face of the guilty party.
~I can feel the venom pouring out of me as I breathe~
I didn't see it that way.
I saw it as a **** up that happened because Rose abandoned Norah to go to her baby shower
Norah was knuckling down and getting the work done, Rose neglected her duties because she wanted to appear successful to her old high school friends.
Norah only turned from her duties when the kitten appeared, her caring nature would not allow her to put her own problems first.
Norah had no reason to light the candle EXCEPT to provide some kind of disaster to drive the plot. It wouldn't have bothered me so much if she'd caused a fire with a cigarette, since she had disposed of them improperly before...but the candle was random and unnecessary. I did not like the implication that Rose was not allowed to seek some normalcy without repercussion. It doesn't help with her self-esteem issues. Her decision to leave the party was more than enough.
My other problem was with the CB radio to heaven. I wanted to gag as soon as Paul Dooley gave his explanation.
What bothered me was how it got dark so quickly. It appears to be mid-day when the fire starts. It is certainly no later than mid-afternoon when Amy leaves the party. Yet it is pitch black when she shows up at the house. That would imply a 2-3 hour drive to the house. And I'm no arson expert, but wouldn't a small, one story house like that be pretty much burned to the ground after that long?
share/wrduncan3 What bothered me was how it got dark so quickly. It appears to be mid-day when the fire starts./
I agree, wrduncan3. Rose certainly left the party during daylight. I doubt the house they were cleaning was so far away that she would arrive after dark, even if she stopped home to change out of her party dress.
The filmmakers should have resisted the drama of the flames against the dark sky.
"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne
Just a thought, but maybe what they couldn't resist was having to shoot that scene at night because not everything was ready until it was dark and they couldn't afford or logistically manage to reshoot it another day (because it involved fire, they'd need lots of people at the location that they wouldn't have used on other shooting days--people who cost plenty of money and who have other things scheduled, not to mention just having to factor in their daily shooting costs in general).
Maybe it wouldn't have been impossible or impractical to reshoot the surrounding scenes so that they seemed later in the day (although it might have been), but among other things, then they'd have to consider whether it would be plausible to have the baby shower later in the day.
Anyway, I agree that it's odd that Rose gets there when it's dark, but I can't say it bothered me at all. I think I would have noticed more if the baby shower were starting at 5 or 6 p.m. or later.
She lit the candle because of the smell?
For relaxing times, make it Suntory time.share
I think it's fairly obvious that the candle was lit bcause of the smell. Of course it was a plot device - 99% of scenes in any film are a plot device.
shareSure. But it wasn't simply a plot device to cause a disaster. I can easily see her character doing it. She is obviously the more irresponsible one, she doesn't think things out clearly, she is not as dedicated as her sister was therefore probably didn't even care as much about the process and rules of clean up and lastly, she was on her own. If her sister were there, it would not have happened.
Sure, a plot device by definition, but a calculated one at that.
For relaxing times, make it Suntory time.share
I think she did it to help alleviate the odor.
shareI wouldn't really call it much of a cliche..
shareWhy would that "put a tombstone" on the movie? Just go with it.
Thank you! I just finished watching this movie and you literally read my mind. Whoever didn't find that predictable is an idiot. This entire movie tried way to hard to be quirky and deep.
gonna leave this life of waste, gonna put on a new face.
What got me, if anything, is that they were hired time after time without proof of certification for the biohazards and liability insurance. Surely, an insurance company would ask for proof of liability!
shareWhat got me, if anything, is that they were hired time after time without proof of certification for the biohazards and liability insurance. Surely, an insurance company would ask for proof of liability! rivergirl1301
I agree but then again not everyone follows rules and wants the cheapest person to do it. Like in one of the first places they cleaned was eithr a trailer or a beat up apartment house. I think they wouldnt care who cleaned up...
I thought you were going to mention Norah's "I'm going on a road trip". I gagged so hard my friend thought I was choking. I swear I'll kick in the screen of the next indie flick I see that even mentions a road trip.'s just a movie.
How could you gag at the screen at something so stupid and have that as a sig? I figured she lit the candle for the smell. But Rose was equally irresponsible for not being there at all.To the OP though, it did kinda have a ''28 days'' w/ Sandra Bullock kinda feel to it. The Mom dies, the older sister sorta watches over the younger one and the younger one seems much more affected by it & goes down an "irresponsible & reckless" path. But once they get forgiveness or whatever is needed from that older sister, they always grow & end up OK in the end.But I guess this goes down in a lot of films. They all take from each other in one way or another.The only thing that bothered me about the road trip is that Norah never once mentioned wanting to get away or go somewhere throughout the whole film until the business fell through. So, where the fook was she heading?? Not that it's relevant, except that I wanna know! lol!STAY GOLD. "MY BUSINESS IS TO CREATE"
shareI was gagging at the cliche not the movie.
What the heck is up with this epidemic of the road trip in Indy movies anyway?'s only a movie.
I agree that the candle scene which caused the fire was cliche and poorly done and the use of Norah dropping the cigarette for the moment to chase the cat may be a tad more authentic, but still wouldn't really work. The movie isn't on the scale of perfection (what film is really?) but its well written and acted that you can forgive some of these obvious setbacks.