I was watching them cleaning the first place and I was thinking, what a croc. They can't just throw that *beep* in the dumpster etc. Why the hell didn't the movie producers get even basic info on how that sort of clean up is done? I am no bio-haz expert, but even I knew that what they were doing was wring and unbelievable. Then I got a good laugh when they get cleaning supplies for the first time. The pro can't understand how they could do the job for only $500. "I'll bet they just threw everything in the dumpster." Pretty good movie compared to most everything else out there.
"The pro can't understand how they could do the job for only $500. "I'll bet they just threw everything in the dumpster."
Wow, you do know thats part of the plot right? that they get their first job wrong? there is a lot more to it, which they soon find out. If the Production team knew nothing of how things are done in the business the method the girls were initially using wouldnt have changed at all throughout the movie - the shoddy work would have continued, how this escaped you i really dont know. This is not "real life" and when they got "laughed out of the door" when getting cleaning supplies - that bit was *gasp* directed >.>
"Why the hell didn't the movie producers get even basic info on how that sort of clean up is done?"
Now i know you mean "why the hell didnt the girls get even basic info" because thats the only thing thats questionable, they made a big mistake throwing themselves in to it with little or no real understanding of the work involved, but it was soon remedied. The directors must not have wanted them to set out with a perfect set of skills and ideas how to carry this job out, but discovery along the way.
Did you even read my post??? Those were my thoughts I had, when I saw the girls throwing the waste into the trash... and my realization that they didn't know the proper procedure, after I saw the cleaning supply store scene.
Read and understand the entire post before you respond so rudely and stupidly. Reading one sentence, taking it out of context and responding to only that one sentence will make you look like an idiot to everyone else that takes the time to read this thread.
Yea. You are really stupid. Gonna agree with the OP. If you are going to call someone out for being a dumbass, least you could have done is make sure the dumbass isn't you.
Haha. I felt the same way. You don't have to be an expert to know thats not how you sanitize/clean for a job like that. I guess it just shows how out of touch and over their head the profession was when they started.