i heard this was based on a book, just wondering whatr that was? who was the author?
It's not based on a book, it's based on a short story by Sara Maitland called "True North", which can be found in various of her short story collections. It's in the collection "Angel Maker", for instance. It's a good story, but I'm struggling to see how they could make a good film out of it, since it's written very much in the fairy tale mode.
share Sara Maitland wrote a collection of short stories and "Far North" was one of those stories - maybe 15 stories in the book. Frankly, the short story isn't very good - it is written in a fairly pretentious style and lacks narrative cohesion and character development. But I bought the book online for less than the postage cost - so I'm not really complaining. I don't think the paperback book sold very well because you can easily buy it used online for $1.00 or $2.00 - like I said, the postage costs more.
I love Sean Bean - but am wondering if this will be a good film or not? He is a terrific actor. I was hoping to see the short story simply used as a concept to base a screenplay on - I had hoped the screenwriter would create more narrative and character development for the film. There isn't enough to the short story to make a film out of.
Far North is based on a short story by Sara Maitland.
PDF of short story: [rapidshare]
I'm wanting to see this movie since so so long. No clue when the dvd will be available here in India but am not losing hope.
I tried to check out online if I could lay my hands on the story but here it is. Thanks to you for providing the link.
I’m really tempted to read it before I watch the movie but don’t think I'd do so. No clue when I may succumb to this temptation though....Hope not...