the soldiers

what was going on with the "soldiers" killing those othe people - didnt get it? was it over territory / to steal food / a blood/tribal fued?


They killed them for the same reason North American settlers gave the American Indians blankets infected with small pox, the Australians slaughtered the aborigines, and the Spanish conquistadors decimated the Aztecs. They wanted their land and it's resources and as far as they were concerned the natives were little more than animals.


"We keep odd hours."


OK I'm willing to accept that but you might be letting your politcal feelings get in the way of what was actually going on in the film?


I don't think so...
I may have explained the situation in a dramatic way, but I'm pretty sure that was the reason behind the killings.
What was your interpretation?


"We keep odd hours."


I was just confused by the blatant brutality of what happened - i guess that stuff goes on all the time in places which are lawless? I thought the soldiers were just bad guys (like deserters) looking to steal and rape - like some 'soldiers' do during war. But i thought there may have been some sub-theme of the story which i missed like a blood feud - that doesnt seem to be the case. I guess in cases like these -- where food is in scarce supply -- some people beleive that they have to take in order to surive -- but these guys were just plain bad.


The Extreme North or Far North is a large part of Russia located mainly north of the Arctic Circle and boasting enormous mineral and natural resources. The Far North is known for its extremely harsh climate, and people who work there, other than the indigenous population involved in traditional occupations and inmates of labor camps, used to receive an extra grade of payment, "Northern Bonus", as well as other benefits, including extra vacation, extra disability benefits, extra retirement benefits, and housing benefits.

Approximately 20 million people live in this land, mainly concentrated in towns and settlements along the rivers and in the industrial centres. Only about 180,000 of them belong to approximately 30 small-numbered, aboriginal groups - the indigenous peoples of the North. Their majority live in small villages close to their subsistence areas, where they pursue traditional occupations like reindeer-herding, hunting and fishing.

The white man's conquest of the Russian North, Siberia and the Far East does not stand far behind the attrocities known from other parts of the world. The tsarist intention was to subject the entire northern part of Asia to its rule because of the expected rich natural resources. Peoples were rendered tribute-payers. They were forced to pay a tax, yasak, in exchange for the promise of protection by the Tsarist Empire. Yasak consisted mostly of furs. The often very high tax requirements changed the occupational pattern of many ethnic groups and endangered their subsistence.

The Tsar's order read that the native peoples should be treated respectfully and accommodatingly, while military actions should only be applied against armed revolts. But the local governors and taxmen had their own laws, if any. Historians report continual pillaging and violent encroachment resulting in the extermination of entire nations. A usual procedure to make the native peoples pay yasak was to take hostages, often respected elders. It was also usual to abduct, or buy, and enslave women and children. Tax raids could escalate into pillage and sometimes murder raids. Many times, the entire subsistence basis of a local indigenous group was destroyed, and they died of cold or hunger. In places, the oppression continued into the 19th century.

The oil and gas boom started in the mid-1960s. The largest oil deposits were in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area. Enormous forest areas were razed and the land was devastated by careless tracked-vehicle driving; rivers and bogs were polluted, and large areas became worthless for any sort of primary subsistence. In addition to the devastation of nature, the alien workers abused the indigenous population through pillage, theft, killing of reindeer, destruction of sacred sites, even robbery, rape, murder and burning of homes.

