Road to nowhere

Watched this with my wife recently, hadn't seen the original and love both of the actors.

I guessed that the detective was Jude Law almost straight away, the accent was ridiculous and the tash was so obviously fake.

Kept thinking that the film would pick up some pace at some point, my wife said to me - I bet this is one of those films that just ends... she was completely right.

I have rarely felt so let down by a film; pointless plot, unrealistic situations (as if Jude Law would really pretend to break in and steal the jewels!) and an ending that felt like a total cop out!
It was as if they couldn't be bothered and by the end, I couldn't be bothered either.




I thought it was a bit silly but I must admit I didn't realise the detective was Law.


Never watch a remake before the original. Now you probably won't enjoy the original as much as you should, despite it being a FAR, FAR better film and quite different.

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."

