The Football Incidents.
I just always thought that the final comic strip, in the "Peanuts" series, should have been way different. Charles Schulz, artist and author, should have finally let Charlie Brown kick that football. For decades, Lucy had pulled it away, and sent Charlie flying into the air shouting "AAAUUUUGGHH!!!".
I just think that the last panel Schulz ever drew, should have been that football, sailing into the heavens. Just as I'm sure Shulz himself did. God bless the man. He gave us laughter, philosophy, and a sprinkling of theology, here and there.
The remake of Sleuth sucked, by the way. It was like choking on a mouthful of nightcrawlers, then wondering, "Why the hell did I put those worms in my mouth anyhow??".
Thanks for listening. Hugs and kisses.
P.S.; After re-reading this, I realize it's so Goddamn off topic, it just cries out for a pink bunny.
I hope you'll understand, because I sure as hell don't. -Anyway, I gotta go take a piss.