The Regency House Party

As we are all Jane Austen Fans I thought I would recommend this series for us to discuss maybe.
If anyone chooses to watch it that is. 9

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.


Thank you! I checked out the first minute of the intro; I am absolutely pea green not to have been young and in England to take part! Except I have been very happily married for quite some time.

But oh, my, how delightful! I will watch and then comment.

Oh, right. So, she secretly trained a flock of sandflies.


Thanks for that!

Looks a little bit like Pride and Prejudice: Having a Ball which was shown about a year ago.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.


Oh, I forgot about that one. I really enjoyed that one as well.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.



It is interesting and very accurate as to what the early 19th Century social rules actually were.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.



I think you will learn a lot from it. I certainly did. Channel 4 gave out a lot of information about the period and recommended a lot of reading materiel. I found it very helpful when I was doing P&P for my Open University Literature exam.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.


I have watched the first 5 episodes so far. Despite my general disinclination for any reality show unconnected with cooking, I am becoming rather captivated.

I cannot imagine, though, that the sort of Regency House Party envisioned here, which follows the course for a party given by a wealthy and fashionable bachelor of dissipated habits would have been familiar to the conservative country set among which Jane Austen herself moved, unless I am much mistaken. Which, of course, I could be.

And I wish the "gentlemen" did not seem to have really deplorable habits of discourtesy. I am absolutely sure very few of the men of my acquaintance, few of whom could be considered to have been "gently" reared, would show such rudeness.

I have to say it gave me quite a laugh this morning, when I happened to open a book of quotations; my eye fell upon one from Marcel Proust - "One of a hostess' duties is to act as procuress."

Oh, right. So, she secretly trained a flock of sandflies.


I thought that where the show was very accurate was in the hot house and confined nature of life in the Regency. You will notice that women are shut up in the huse or limited to wlaks in the garden. The men go hunting, shooting etc. The ladies are limited to stitching a fine seam. The pressures really come into their own.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.


Oh, yes. I agree. I am surprised, though, that no-one ever seems to read a book. Ladies did do that, and it beats sitting around being idle by miles. Of course, I suppose that isn't very dramatic.

But, surely, some of them could read sometimes, while the focus was on the conversation of the others? And vice versa?

Oh, right. So, she secretly trained a flock of sandflies.


As far as I can remember it's early days yet. I'll try and catch up, Life is being a little hectic at the moment. Have you ever heard of that old Chinese curse,'May you live in interesting times? My times have been a bit interesting lately. Oh for a dull life.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.



That's the US edit of the program. I wish someone would upload the UK version, as I've read it is longer. I have no idea what was cut for the US broadcast.

I've watched RHP a few times. I've often wondered how the dynamics in the house might have been different if an older gentleman or two had been present (esp. the attitude and behavior of the chaperones).

Anybody else recognize the ladies' gowns from other regency-set productions?


I saw it when it was first on in the UK and frankly I can't remember what was cut.

Maybe an older gentleman would have been welcome.

Here are sites for the costumes recycling.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.
