Not enough nudity

What made the species movies great was the nudity. This movie didn't have nearly enough so it was terrible.


That Mexican alien chick was damn good looking though. Did she do any other movies where she's nude?


This was her first real movie, so no.

Yeah, nudity is nice but some people like to what movies for things like plot, character development and action. If you want nudity, here's $20, go buy some wack off movies.


Noone in his right mind watches species for plot or character developement.
That being siad, i agree with your point.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


see, this is why people like you watch this, not because of the horror or science fiction, but the nude babes, lol


Well DUH!

Seriously people, men COULD just buy porn...or better download it.

But the whole point of watching feature films with nudity is the tease factor, of course you could just watch a flick with Liliane Tiger taking it every which way, but that gets kinda boring, films like these you watch for those signature scenes where you catch a good look of the hot bod, plus the concept of a leathal babe is so damn hot, I mean wouldn't that be the best death ever?

Think about it.

You're nailing some mindblowingly gorgeous babe and then she leans in to give you some good tongue to tongue action and boom, you're dead, and you didn't even see it coming, that's the storybook death for me.

Hippies Aren't People


Well DUH!



. . . get a girlfriend, dude. you're familiar with real girls, right?


your disgusting, who cares if theres not much nudity....i only watch it cos of horror and scifi and yeah because im a girl but what is the point of nudity? go and buy some *beep* porn dvd instead.


I respect this movie the most out of all the Species films. Don't get me wrong, the previous films were great (with the exception of Species 3), but this movie is different in that it doesn't require nudity or senseless violence to sell its story and I think that's what makes it stand out from the rest.
