Looking forward

I'm looking forward to this production, especially as two of my favourite pieces of eye candy are in it - JJ Feild and Liam Cunningham!


Well quite frankly I'm really nervous about this production now having seen the mess that they made of Mansfield Park. Northanger Abbey is my favourite Jane Austen novel (I grew up on the BBC version in my teens and loved it - yes I know most people hated it). But what if they mess it up. I thought Mansfield Park was terrible. However, someone posted on that board that there's a different production company for Northanger Abbey - phew, there's hope yet!


Yes, and the script is written by Andrew Davies (Pride and Prejudice, Bleak House, Wives and Daughters, Middlemarch) - and he generally delivers when it comes to period drama! The assembled cast looks promising, too.


From what I gather, he's written a scene where Catherine fantasizes about Henry...and he's naked. He's also got her reading a book that Catherine would never have read (The Monk). It's a book that John Thorpe likes, and JA's Catherine would not have read it.

Personally, I have very little use for Mr. Davies. I find his obsession about sex to be somewhat tiring.
