Adapting Northanger Abbey

Hi everyone.
I'm adapting Northanger Abbey to be performed in Edinburgh next year and was wondering what do you think makes a good Austen adaptation?
There has been a lot of debate about the new Austen dramas on ITV and I'm interested to know what you thought worked about the actual adaptations and what didn't.
If it were you, what would you include, what would you cut from the story etc..
Basically I want to know what you expect and want from an Austen interpretation.


Try contacting Andrew Davies, I am sure he could help you with both Northanger Abbey and Pride & Prejudice under his belt.


I could answer this more fully another time but am presently up to my eyeballs in kids. However, just for now my answer to your question would be humour, atmosphere, attention to detail and suppressed passion that bubbles over at the end.

In my opinion in NA you need to get the gothic over dramatic imagination of Catherine's dreams through. Also Catherine's total innocence. That's what worked in this adaptation. She came over as being totally gullable. And Henry's best aspect was his friendliness. He was like the ultimate girls best friend. Really sweet. I liked the Isobella in the 86 adaptation as she was sugary and insincere.

Let me know if you want anymore help with this.
